About Me

The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Thursday, October 27, 2022

We're home and the week just keeps flying! Grandsons pictures..

 We left around 1000 Monday morning and had a beautiful drive home! Unloaded some things and then decided it was happy hour and the rest could wait until Tuesday. 

I didn't take many pictures on the road home, as we 
go this way so often. Gotta love these beautiful
snow covered mountains!

It was cold, so we went out to the outdoor kitchen and Ken started a fire in the wood stove for our Happy Hour. 

Had a beautiful sunset welcoming us home 💗

Tuesday we unloaded and cleaned everything. The Mansion's ready for company this weekend.  😀 In the evening we went next door to visit with John and Karen.  He's home this week for the Halloween party Saturday.  

Wednesday was  a day of running around. We headed to Reno for a visit at Total Wine 😁 and then we dropped a nice fortune at Walmart. Ugh! 

Linner at Betsy's Big Kitchen  and then home. We had a nice fire at John and Karen's again. 😊

Talked with our oldest son, Bryan and he finally got a date for his hernia surgery in December! About time! 

Today was a day of cooking for me. I got all the fixings together for enchiladas and coleslaw for tomorrow night's dinner. Deviled eggs, sausage balls and seven layer dip for the party on Saturday. Tomorrow I'll throw it all together and we'll have that on Saturday along with all the stuff Karen's making! 

Today was Karen's mom, Izzie's 79th birthday. I ran to town and got some cupcakes and gave her a card. Had a few $$ so she can enjoy at the casino LOL. 

Ken worked outside all day and it never warmed up! We've had a fire going inside all day long. So that's the week so far for us. 

Had some good pics of a couple of the grandsons I'm including today. 

Jacob in Italy at the Navy Ball..gotta love a man in that uniform
                                                   especially when he's your grandson 💙💙

 😃😃Looks like flasks are very popular LOL. 

                            And now his younger brother Aaron #20 💙

I love this one! 

So intense in this pic...

Aaron and his proud parents at Senior Night 💙💙

They play tomorrow night and I'm hoping they go to the playoffs, so we can get over the hill next week for a game!

Have a great night, time for Happy Hour 🍷🍺🍸


  1. Fantastic photos. The fire is inviting and cozy looking. Handsome grandsons! Enjoy the party.


  2. It looks like you had a great time, now it is time for a little relaxation and happy hours by the fire after your getaway. Let us know how Aaron's game went!

    1. Yes, that fireplace is going to be a problem LOL. I will let you know :) Hoping they win big!

  3. Love seeing those grandson pictures. It's chilly here, so I can't imagine the temps there. Brrrrrrr ... keep that fire going!!

  4. Thank you Nancy! 22 yesterday morning, 25 this morning! OH yeah fire going all day :)
