About Me

The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Staying around the homeplace

The last couple of days we've pretty much been here as Ken is working on the roof...looks like it's coming together nicely..too bad it wasn't done right in the first place.  I went to the grocery store in town yesterday and they had their pork sale they do a couple of times a year.  So I was able to buy some pork roasts really cheap for part of the Thanksgiving meal we'll be doing at my sister Linda's house.  She supplies the house (and much other stuff too) and I do the main meal cooking.  It's always a good time there! 

Tried Pioneer Woman's Chicken Spaghetti recipe for dinner last night but instead of using noodles we used spaghetti squash..it had all kinds of different veggies in there and very tasty!  Ken did say he'd rather have it as a side dish with no chicken and put the chicken on the side.  I think all the flavors covered up the chicken taste..Mine had no chicken to speak of...so I really liked it!

 It's homecoming weekend at Golden Sierra High where Adam and Seth go to school.  I know Seth is going with a girl (friend) to the dance tonight. Hoping Christina sends pics.  Adam is meeting up with friends at the dance..gotta keep his options open you know. haha..

Russell called yesterday evening.  He has been on light duty for quite a while now after his wrist giving problems from wrestling with a bad guy at work..well, workmans comp sent him to a hand and wrist surgeon in Sacramento and it's not looking too good that it can be fixed correctly..so he's got some thinking to do. Ultimately it could affect his ability to do his job or like he said, "Guess I can learn to shoot left handed"...but that's one thing about Russell..he's always been the cup half full rather than half empty...

Don and Dana took Grandma and Dave to Nashville for the day.  Looks like they had a great time.  Gotta say Nashville is one of my favorite cities to visit!

Grandma and Dave across the street from Tootsies..Love that place!

 Yesterday they got to visit Amish Country and who knows what's on the agenda for the next few days of their trip!

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