Back in Tennessee!
September 19th..Springfield Mo to Cornersville, TN..Got up fairly early from the motel and got ourselves outta there. We knew we had almost 500 miles to go to get back to Don's house in TN. Looked at the continental breakfast and decided to get it to go a Mickey D's. Ken had his sausage burritos and I got the side of eggs and an english muffin. Worked. So we left Springfield and drove across MO to Sikeston area...don't tell Uncle Lewis..we got off at highway 62 and visited Walmart. This is where I can get the wine I usually buy there in Ca. it's a whopping $1.97 a bottle there $2.67 in MO and if you buy any wine in TN it's a lot more off I go with a case of wine and we saw a restaurant Mexican of course across the street. So a little lunch in our tummy and headed for Tn.
The drive across MO and Tn is just so beautiful...the cotton fields are white as snow..just stunning. So we made it home around 5 or so. Not bad since it was about 500 mi...
Cottonfields of MO!! |
Decided on some veggie and salmon burgers for dinner, easy and delicious. Good to be back, now planning our trip to Mississippi next week!! yayyy..
September 20th...Got up around 8 this am and took our time getting ready..breakfast about 1000...saw on Facebook, Linda was thinking about doing a diet that was only 600 calories a day...glad she decided against it!! Smart sissy!!
Less than a month and we'll be heading back to Ca.
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