About Me

The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Friday, September 20, 2019

Carson City running around..Betsy's Big Kitchen..

Thursday was a stay at home day with the exception of both of us going to town to hit the post office and then the bank.  Ken dropped me at Raley's and he ran to True Value.  He was in the parking lot when I finished.  Home for the rest of the day.  

We had lunch and then watched the 4th installment of a PBS special we recorded (thanks Don).  It's called Country Music, really good show! It shows the evolution of Country Music from the 20's to now (I believe) even though now a days we don't listen to so called "country music".  We're just watching it as we have time :)  the things we learn about people and music watching this show :)   
Deer Run Ranch and Bed and Breakfast..
We're thinking they must grow these fields just to keep these
beautiful deer here. 

Washoe Lake State Park..there were only two sites available :(
Not that we had the trailer. Wanted to check out for kayaking :) 

We each did our own thing and then met back at the end of the afternoon.  We tried sitting outside but with the temps and the wind we ended up back inside to finish our Happy Hour.  It was a fairly early night when we decided to turn in. 

I set the alarm for 0400 as we wanted to leave here by 0600.  We had an appointment time at Discount Tire to get two new tires on the Tundra at 0900.  We decided to have breakfast out at Betsy's Big Kitchen in Carson City.  We got there about 0720.  I really like the place as they don't appear to add salt to any of their foods.  Of course because it's a casino, they seem to cater to the older folks :) Their coffee is delicious along with everything we've eaten there.  
Mt. Rose, which will have a lot of snow later this year.
Highway 395..

More deer at the ranch :) 

After breakfast we went by Custom Truck and Accessories.  We wanted to get a price on a lumber/pipe rack for the Tundra.  It would benefit Ken but also will carry the kayaks..yes we're going to get another.  We got a price from Sacramento, CA of $625.00.  It's a rack Ken really likes.  Custom Truck, for the exact same rack was $850.00 ok, no! We called another place in Reno and got an even higher price!  We then confirmed the price with Sacramento and paid a deposit.  In the next few weeks we'll take a trip there to get a new rack. :) Yep, we'll drive to Sacramento to save a couple of hundred bucks! 

Discount Tire was next, then on to Reno to pick up my online order of wine! A quick stop at Winco and then we took the long way back to Carson City.  Harbor Freight was a quick stop.  By then we're nearing 1300 and our tummies were hungry. We stopped back by Betsy's and had a delicious lunch.  Not too filling but enough we both won't want dinner. 
Washoe Lake 

Along the road to the lake

We did get a call that after Ken's PET Scan on Monday we'll see the pulmonary doctor at 1545.  Hopefully we'll get some answers then.  We see the camera surgeon on Tuesday at 1000 so we're staying Monday night in Carson City again. 

I saw on informed delivery that we're getting a letter from Seth (YAY).  I thought it was coming today, but upon further checking "coming soon"..so hopefully tomorrow.  Time is moving quickly and before you know it, we'll be at his graduation! ;) 

Grandson Adam called this morning just to check in.  He was headed to the Sierra for an overnight camping trip (by himself) and a hike somewhere. Glad he called and we had a nice chat :) 

Happy Hour time! Have a great weekend! 

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