About Me

The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Happy Birthday to my little sister! Carson City and a generator! Seth went to MEPS and was sworn in!

First off, Happy Birthday to my baby sister, Linda!  Love you lots sissy dear! There are very few pics of her now, so I'm going backwards a bit! 

Linda on the hood of her first car..

As a baby with our Oma..over in Austria

She's the one holding the Partridge Family Album which she
still has!

Last night's lights lit up..

Our little dusting of snow.  

Monday was a stay at home day.  I worked on getting Christmas gifts wrapped. I used to be quick, not anymore but I'm getting there.  It was cold so we had a fire going all day.  

Ken worked on the lights on the bunkhouse and outhouse.  Looks so cute now. I had Hallmark Christmas movies on so later on I found him relaxing in the bunk house. My movies don't thrill him LOL.

We walked over to Karen's to take pictures of the car that they bought for John's daughter in Oklahoma.  They've decided to sell it and get her another one instead. I offered to post it on the FB website as she doesn't do Facebook. We had a quick visit and then back home. 

Nothing too exciting for dinner so we just grabbed what we could. Some TV and then off to bed. 

Grandson, Seth left home at 0330 Monday  to meet his recruiter and head to downtown Sacramento for MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station). He spent the day going through physical exams and other things.  Sometime in the afternoon he was sworn into the United States Marines! So far there is no picture of this as he was supposed to call his dad, Eric but didn't have time. There is another swearing in before boot camp so hopefully they'll be pictures then!  His leave date for boot camp is August 26th with a graduation date of November 22nd.  Our son Russell had a leave date too, but they called him sooner so we'll see.  Very proud of our Marine Recruit! Looks like we'll all be in San Diego next November for sure!

Tuesday morning I was awake about 0400 and waited until 0500 to get coffee for Ken.  Cold, cold morning.  About 0630 we noticed that we had a dusting of SNOW! So pretty!  
On our way to Gardnerville  the mountains looked so pretty..

We had our breakfast and got ourselves ready to go.  We were heading to Gardnerville to pick up Ken's chain that he had sharpened for the chainsaw. Then over to Carson City to get a new chain for the saw, Ahern didn't have it so we found it at Home Depot.  A quick stop at Dollar Tree and Marshall's.  WE then headed over to Nevada Power Tools to spend some money on a new generator.  We love our Honda 2000, it's 13 years old and the rope broke and some starting issues.  So we bit the bullet and got a brand spanking new Honda 2200. Won't run the air conditioner but it does everything else we need when we're camping. Then off to our favorite Chinese place for a warm lunch and then home. We killed another day! 

Now we're sitting here watching it snow! It's so pretty and Christmasy looking! 
Our son Bryan (third from the right standing in the first row) and his team at work
participated in NO SHAVE NOVEMBER supporting men's
health.  Group pic of these handsome guys with their mustaches.

Youngest son Russell participated too! He put together a
little collage..middle pic is now, he's clean shaven once again!

Tomorrow looks like another day at home and getting things done. Getting close to Happy Hour Time! Have a good night everyone!


  1. Glad to see you are getting things ready for Santa and for hitting the road soon after.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. Starting to look a lot like Christmas. Nice to see Seth moving right along. And like the collage your son made.

    1. Thank you George! Christmas will be here before we know it!

  3. Happy Birthday Little Sis!
    Love the work team photo. If I'm looking at the right guy, Bryan is looking very tough! :)
    Bill did the no shave Movember one year looks good (and different) in small beard and mustache but I was happy on Dec. 1st. :)

    1. The bunkhouse lights are beautiful and yes, snow makes everything pretty. Leave it there though when you leave. :)

    2. Yes that's Bryan..Russell's wife is happy as well. Not sure if Bryan has shaved or not. I like it on him. Ken actually shaved and grew again. Looks really different, our boys had never seen him like that. I will leave snow here, will be looking for warmth going south!

  4. Happy Birthday Sister!!! Congrats to Seth once again. Love the Christmas lights and tree. Very festive.

    1. Thank you Deb! It's all we're doing outside this year as we plan on leaving a day or two after Christmas and heading south!
