About Me

The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Friday, May 22, 2020

Getting things done..Adam visits! :)

Well, since I've let days pass without posting I'll just wing it I guess :) 

Monday, Ken did get some rock down, quite a bit actually.  It took a few days but  the trailer's empty of 5,900 lbs of rock :) 
Before adding the rock..

It was hard work, but he got it done! Again, not bad for a 68 year old guy!
Today...5900 lbs of rock later 😍

I worked on the staining of the bunk house.  Yes, more red than we planned but we like it.  I did some regular stuff too like a little baking and cleaning..lol. 
We had some cool skies, but no weather out of it..

Tuesday morning we had an appointment at Sun King window tinting in Carson City. The appointment time was 0800. We left about 0630 and enjoyed  our breakfast one the road. Breakfast burritos for Ken and a 1/2 low carb burrito for me.  
They only dealt with curbside dealings so once we dropped off the truck we headed for CalRanch just down the road. What a cute place! We found Heidi's birthday present there and lord knows I could have spent a lot of $$..but didn't. 

They called when the truck was ready.  Front two windows tinted $100.00 later but they are guaranteed for life. We headed to Lowe's, Ken went inside and I waited outside as he was only getting 4 sacks of concrete.  I got warm and rolled down my window! OOPPSS..they said don't roll down the window for 3 days!! Nice short term memory right?! ...Luckily it was ok!! UHH...

Jacob texted he got his package and was happy at all the tuna and chicken packages I had sent..too cute! 

Then a quick trip to Walmart in Carson.  Once that was finished we headed home. Karen was having a birthday party for her sister Heidi as she was turning 50. I wanted to try a new appetizer with meat, beans etc using Scoops from North on the Border chips. Very yummy! About 1500 we headed next door for a few hours. 
The last bit of concrete footings. Now the rock won't go

Wednesday we were home for the day! I stained the rest of my part of the decking on the bunkhouse.  Ken worked on finishing the patio area. He formed up the boards for the new concrete we picked up.  Later on we met on the side of the house and he started a nice fire! 

Yesterday morning (21st) we got up early, visited with our blogging friends and got the morning going.  Ken stained the upper part of the bunkhouse.  He wasn't happy with the turnout, but in the end I think it looks very nice! We're out of stain, but we're headed out to Gardnerville tomorrow for prescriptions so we might as well head for Carson and get the stain.  
Ken staining the top of the loft area..

The front's all done!

Adam called yesterday am and wanted to come over for the night. OF course!! He arrived around 1630 just when Karen was ready to head home after coming to see what things we had done in the last few days. 
Ship lap we had left in the garage attic..These will be shelves on the new part
of the porch 
I had a sandwich ready for him as he's usually hungry when he gets here :) 
Not too long after he got here, Joe, Stacey and Joe's brother Phillip walked over with a six pack of IPA beer for Ken.  Ken had helped Joe put up a screen door earlier in the day. Very nice of them but not necessary :)  They visited awhile and then headed back home. 
We visited some more with Adam and then eventually had tacos for dinner.  Some more visiting and then he and Ken both headed off to bed. I stayed up for a bit and then did the same. 

I was awake about 0500 this morning and woke Ken for coffee around 0530.  I actually had made him a new recipe of banana apple bread. He loved it! Somewhere around 0800 I started breakfast for Adam. He wanted waffles and eggs so that's what he got. :) Ken and I ate after I fed him. 

Adam left here just about 1200 to head home. A short visit, but better than no visit! He works tomorrow early at the State Park and after seeing the crowds there today, he'll have his work cut out tomorrow being this is Memorial Weekend. 
Bye Adam..thanks for visiting!

Ken finished unloading and sweeping the trailer. I used the sander on the boards above to get them ready for linseed oil. 

I ordered 2 retro patio chairs and a small table so they should be here in a few weeks. :) Tomorrow we'll check Lowe's for a moveable fire pit for the new patio area. 

Have a great night. Almost Happy Hour here! 


  1. First really, really like those pictures of the dark sky and the sun touching the desert floor...beautiful.Always nice to have a grandson show up. Wow, you two have been busy again. The patio area looks great and the bunkhouse color against the green roof looks really great. Looking forward to seeing what the porch looks like once you have the retro patio chairs and a small table out there sounds like a nice touch. Take care and hugs.

    1. I knew you would like the sky pictures :) Yep love having grandchildren visit, even just for overnight. Glad you like it. Hopefully you'll see it one day in person! Hugs to you guys (you sure wouldn't like the winds lately! Ridiculous!

  2. I love the colour of the bunkhouse too. A change is always nice and I'm always wanting to change things up a bit.
    How nice that Adam came for a visit.
    Nice job, Ken!

    1. I know what you mean, which is why i buy different bedspreads as our room can only be one way :) Yep you know I was happy Adam came to visit. Yep, he did a great job! Now to come up with a new project :)

  3. That's a really nice patio area now. Good work!! I really like the bunkhouse color too. It looks brand new! You are certainly getting the place spruced up!!

    1. Thank you! I guess when you stay home more, more gets done! LOL...

  4. Love the rock work and shed both look great! Those dark skies look so ominous!

  5. Thanks guys! Yep, we love our weather around here..well, not the winds so much!

  6. You've both been keeping busy with chores, projects and visiting. Things are really looking good.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  7. Thanks guys! Yep we're always finding things to do!
