About Me

The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Friday, May 31, 2019

Getting ready to head to Jacob's High School Graduation!!

Wednesday morning we decided to head for Carson City. Ken wanted to get a new rim and tire for the Jayco.  There's a couple that eventually will need to be changed but started with this one. We dropped it off at Discount Tire and headed for Walmart to make a nice donation.  We no more got to the store and they texted it was done.  I did my shopping and Ken went and picked it up. Then we headed to Minden and a stop at Dollar Tree for a few things.  Lunch at Carson Valley Inn (no Carmen :( ) and then we headed home.  Got the groceries put away and some front porch sitting. 

Thursday morning I got the coffee on and went looking for the half and half.  HMMM..I knew I bought some..where could it be?  I put some spinach in the freezer out in the garage. There it was, along with the sour cream and cottage cheese I froze!! Oh no.. We had our coffees and computing, then our exercise and got the day started.  Ken had physical therapy and I ran to Raley's to rebuy the things I froze.  Google says you can use the sour cream and cottage cheese but the consistency will be different.  I'm making some spinach dip for Sunday's party for Jacob so I want it to be good. 

Ken noticed the vehicle insurance cards weren't up to date so I got on Progressive to print them out.  Changed passwords and other things but just couldn't get online. Phone call was frustrating too, but eventually she emailed them to my email. Geez.  
We had some pretty skies this week! 

Weather coming in...

I was putting things in the trailer and one was a ham to cook for Sunday..oh oh the ham's too big to put in the trailer oven! What a morning.  Late in the afternoon I stuck it in the house oven and cooked it. 

Made a new broccoli salad that sounded good and it was.  Later Karen called and we went over for a way too long Happy Hour. A nice way to say good bye for a few days! 

I sat the alarm for 0400 this morning (Friday).  Started the coffee and got the ham carved up.  Got Ken up at 0430 for coffee and a quick computing.  Worked on finishing up what we needed in the trailer and then I took off a few minutes in front of Ken.  We decided to bring my car as running around Sacramento and parking it's much easier than the Tundra.  I met him at the Walmart in Gardnerville and I ran in and got ice.  Then he got gas and I met him up at Hope Valley.  From there I followed him down Highway 50 to Interstate 80 and the RV Park at Cal Expo.  WE've got a nice site with trees over the site. Full hookups and let me tell you the air conditioning is needed! It's hot!! 

We'll be leaving in a few minutes to head to Russell's house to pick up our tickets for the high school graduation. In this heat, won't be fun and it's a class of 440 graduates :0 !! It starts at 1830 but got to get there early to get seats. 

The Man of the Hour....Jacob Austin Kay

Jacob, Russell and Aaron

Jacob and his cousin Seth who
graduates next Friday!

Aaron, Russell, Lori and Jacob


Oh and the spinach I froze in the garage? I forgot it..haha. I'll be shopping in the am! 

Have a great evening! Grandson #2 is out of High School! Let the adventure begin! 

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

A late Anniversary greeting..Family in Reno..We have a date for the floor install!

We had some early morning wind!

Sunday morning we were up early and just enjoyed the morning.  Later in the day I decided to put the browning banana's to good use. Made me some peanut butter flourless muffins and Ken some banana muffins ( a new recipe).  We both found things to keep us occupied!  
Ken's banana muffins top and a some of my peanut butter muffins

Later in the afternoon we had our Happy Hour on the front porch while Ken bar b qued some tasty chicken breasts and thighs. It was a good day for sure.  

Monday morning we got up about 0445 and got ourselves ready to head for Reno.  Aaron's basketball game was at 0920.  We knew where we were going since we'd been a few times before.  It was raining when we left here, but not too badly.  By the time we got to Reno an hour and a half later it had stopped.  We found parking across the street from the convention center and walked into wall to wall people and kids of all ages who play basketball from all over the western states. 

We found our way to court 19 and found the game already a few minutes in progress.  Russell was the team videographer so we just waved at him.  Said hi to Lori and settled in for a nail biter!  Finally our boys won by 1 point!  They ended up at 5th in the division so no awards for them this time.  

It was still early, about 1040 so Russell wanted to go to IHOP.  Haven't been to one in forever. Normally we will head for a restaurant with beer but because it was early and they wanted to get headed home IHOP it was.  Honestly it was ok, but on the expensive side for what it was and very crowded.  We have a $25.00 gift certificate (that was in my other purse, of course) that Dusty and Chelsea gave us for Christmas last year so we will find one again, but thinking i'll do breakfast next time even though Lori said hers was greasy.  
Lori, Aaron, Russell
Lori, Ken,Russell and Aaron

The best parts were seeing Aaron play and spending a little time with their little family. Grandson Jacob was working the weekend so he wasn't there. After eating we all hugged good bye and drive safely.  

After we left them we headed to Total Wine.  We're in Reno right?!!! Found my wine, 20 percent discount coupon and a six pack for Ken. Out the door.  We headed home and then Ken decided to take us the scenic route through Virginia City.  A beautiful drive up the mountain and through the little tourist trap.  Tons of people there!  I really can't think of a time it's not packed other than the dead of winter and again who knows then?! 
Climbing up the mountain

Looking down on South Reno and the road to Mt. Rose

More climbing..it is a beautiful drive

Downtown Virginia City

Love all the flags flying

Lots of cars and people

A beautiful church and gorgeous skies

By the time we got home it was about 1500.  Happy Hour! We got our drinks and headed over to Karen's for a bit.  We had food for Jack, so good excuse right?  Her mom and her daughter Amber were there so we had a nice visit.  Karen was making salmon and sweet potatoes for dinner.  Then what did she do?!  Made a peach cobbler from her mom's tree that were frozen.  My weakness!! She sent home a nice piece that I enjoyed with my coffee this am..but I didn't eat the crust so technically it was just some good peaches..right?! haha. 

Monday morning I woke about 0300 with a headache, some motrin and back to sleep.  We didn't get up until after 0600 this am!! I knew I was staying home so no big deal I guess.  We had our breakfast and did our chores. Talking about dinner decided to have broccoli pizza for dinner..yum.  

Ken left for his physical therapy appointment and I proceeded to get the crust done and the toppings all cut up. Once he got back we had our salad lunch.  Cleaned the kitchen and Ken went outside to do a few things. 
This little goodie was extra..so I added pepper jack, grilled
chicken, mushrooms and jalapeño 

Ken's at the top..mushroom, olive and oyster
Mine at the bottom, onion, bell pepper, jalapeños and a little
grilled chicken..

We've got some warmer temps coming this week so that'll be nice. Nice afternoon but been cloudy most of the day.  

By not updating daily I forgot to wish our youngest son, Russell and his bride Lori, Happy 22nd Anniversary here on the blog.  They were married May 24, 1997 at the young age of 18.  Happy Anniversary you two! 

Russell and Lori 22 years ago..
Russell, his best man George, Eric and Bryan

Lori's parents, Bobby and Linda, Lori, Russell, Me and Ken

Last but not least we got the estimate for the kitchen floor.  It's a go on June 11th! So excited to get that done. 

Happy Hour! Have a great evening everyone! 

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Update..Bar b q ..new car for Seth..Adam's pictures..and feeling sentimental..:)

Thursday we were headed for Gardnerville for a few things at Walmart, Raley's for prescriptions and Tractor Supply to pick  up a garden cart for Karen. She's been using ours for moving new trees she's bought. I got online and with the Memorial Day sale it was marked down from $160.00 to $100.00.  Bought it and it was ready for pick up.  Ken actually found two pair of pants, which he definitely needed! haha. 

It was about 1300 so what the heck, let's head to CVI and see our favorite server, Carmen.  Uh oh...Jose took us back and told  us that Carmen had slipped and fallen  the day before at work and they think she may have broken her wrist. Poor thing, she was so happy to be back.  We'll be back in a few weeks and hope to see her again. 

After that we headed home, unloaded the groceries and then Karen wanted to do Happy Hour.  Okie Dokie, we headed over.  * clicking on the pics will make them larger**

Friday morning after our usual things Ken was working on putting together the garden cart for Karen (told you he has to stay busy).  I had a hair appointment in town at 1100 so I headed out.  Went pretty quickly so I was back home in time for lunch.  Salad as it was a nice day.  Found some things to occupy myself, such as baking some applesauce oatmeal muffins for Ken. 

At about 1530 got a set from Karen saying she wanted to start a bonfire, so back over we went :) She's such a bad influence..:) I think she's lonely too with John being over in CA.  We had a nice time, great fire and company.  Her daughter Amber was there too, so that's always nice. Baby to be Amelia Rose is growing nicely too. :) 

While we were there it was decided to have a bar b q on Sunday as we'll be in Reno on Monday for the day.  Ken's going to help her with a piece of wood that's warping in the living room (the 100 year old barn wood).  Came home after a few raindrops started.  We no more than got to the back porch, when the skies let loose with wind and rain!! It actually did the same thing the night before.  A quick dinner, tv and off to bed.  

Saturday morning we were up about 0530 and it was actually the first time since Ken's surgery we were able to have our coffee and treats in bed.  We've been moving tv trays in the living room and couch sitting since his surgery. So this was nice.  

About 0900 I got a call from Karen, looks like the weather will be bad on Sunday so let's have bar b q today. That works as I've got the stuff for potato salad and deviled eggs I was taking already here at home.  Ken and I were talking when our neighbor, Joe came over.  His wife and daughter are in Las Vegas for the weekend to see the New Kids on the Block concert so he's a bachelor.  I asked if he was hungry so made him two egg mc muffins with bacon. He appreciated that for sure. :) 

Once he left got to work on making the salad and eggs.  Cleaned the kitchen and about 1200 finally took a shower.  I had time to make some brownies to take too so now it's about 1530 so we'll head over.  Had a wonderful time and a great dinner.  It turned out to be cheeseburgers instead of ribs because the meat was bad from Raley's. A good time anyway! 

Feeling a little sentimental about Memorial Day.  For probably 10 years, beginning in 2001 we used to head over to Mule Days in Bishop, CA for most of the week. Quite a celebration of mules!  Our friend KC and family would go too, some years there were more in the group. We were blessed as from the time Adam was 2 he went with us and turned into the cutest little cowboy for the week. After a few years, people we had met before always knew who Adam was. 
Adam age 4 ..he would tell you his name was "Clint" like Eastwood..
now he's 20! 

Adam, a mule and his sister Candace..He was about 4..he
had chaps, hat and spurs..ready for anything!

The last 3 years have found Ken and me in Tonopah for their Jim Butler Days celebration which we really enjoyed.  This year we decided to stay home, which is fine, just different. 
Ken's wood project from the other day..as he fills he adds
another board to hold the wood..

Wood he's unloading (with one arm)...

The last 3 years on Monday we would head for Reno to hook up with our son Russell, Lori and boys.  Aaron always plays a basketball tournament there and that's our plan for this Monday.  Bryan and Cheryl are planning a bar b q in Georgetown, but because we had already made plans to be in Reno that's where we will be. Sure hoping the weather holds for them!

Eric sent a text last night saying they had got a new to them vehicle for grandson Seth.  Looks really nice!  Seth had the Jeep Cherokee, looked really nice, but he decided he wanted a more fuel efficient car. They sold the Jeep last weekend and now this is his car! He's a happy camper! Of course I'm thinking after boot camp he may decide to buy a new or newer vehicle..seems it happens a lot!

2006  Honda Civic..147,000 miles..great shape looking at it!
Adam sent these pics from Yosemite..so Grandma had to post...

I really like the black and white... 

And here's a real black and white! Us three sisters after a storm in Union Park, FL near Orlando where daddy was stationed..us little rag a muffins! That was our brand new 1961 Plymouth Station Wagon..so this is about 1961...too cute aren't we?!

Linda, Me and Wendy... Mom sitting on the car! :) I was probably
around 5...
Have a good evening everyone!