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The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Friday, September 9, 2022

Part 3 of the Anniversary Party..Putting gifts to good use! Heading to Oakhurst tomorrow!

 A few more pictures from our 50th Anniversary party on September 3rd. 

A toast...Randi in the pretty top, Sierra, KC and Keith! 💗😃

Daughter in Law Christina 😊💕

                    Daughter in law, Lori along with Jacob's sweetie, Allissa💖
Mike and Eloise, our neighbors from down the street..sweet surprise 💙

Ken at the table with Steve and Candy 💗

Doug, Michelle, Jesse and Diane in an oasis of shade 😁

Yes, this is Nevada LOL. 

                         Randi and Joel's ride next to John and Karen's
The great table settings 

So many presents, after we said No presents LOL. 💗

Eric made the metal sign, Izzie the Happy Place and Doug and Michell the towels
Growler and Wine Glass that holds 1/2 a bottle I would say! LOL. 💕

Growler from Doug and Michelle, pictures from Russell and Lori

Russell and Lori the 50 year plate 💙💖

Bryan and Cheryl the Champagne, glasses, blanket and basket 💙 Saving the Champagne for 
Anniversary trip. Where? Not sure yet! LOL. 

💙💙 Thank you Russell and Lori 

Izzie made the Kiss and Angel Good Morning sign..as Ken used to sing 
this to me in the mornings..😀💖

Lynsie made the spooning sign..and Izzie the Happy Place 💙

                       May 5, 1970, Ken's Senior Ball, I was a freshman he was a senior 💕

Love this Pit Boss! Thank you Aaron and Kayla, Joel and Randi, KC Sierra and 
Rylee Mae, The Sutphin Family! What an amazing gift 💙

Looks like a lot of cooking can be done on here!

Doug and Michelle know I love my red, white and blue! 💗

Found out Eric and Christina sent these to us! Thank YOU!

My sister Wendy sent these to us!  We also got a Lowe's gift card for way too much
from our friends Kim and Lance who couldn't be here! 💙💙 $$ from Eric and 
Christina too..just too much!

Allissa and Jacob's gift to us...couldn't be more perfect! Thank you for making
it Allissa! 💖💖 Gotta find the rest of the boys pictures! 

Love how it looks in our "boys" room 😍

Thanks Doug and Michelle, growler looks awesome! 

Our Happy Place!

I love where Ken hung the sign! 

Custom made sun blockers for drinks while you're in the "pool"

Good bye Adam!

Ken and Eric cooking a mess of scrambled eggs..
Turned out amazing! 

Bacon cooking

Mimosa? Bloody Mary? Lookin good Michele! 

                   Allissa sent me this one today..Mom, Dad and our 3 boys. 💗

Just want to thank everyone who came to our celebration of 50 years. It was a lot to ask for everyone to come 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 hours (Doug and Michelle from AZ) for the weekend. We were amazed at the turnout of friends and family! Our hearts are full! 💙💙
To those who couldn't make it, we know you wanted to be here! We Love you all! 💗

Ken's out playing with the new Pit Boss so I figured a good time to post this last installment from the party! 

Tomorrow we're heading for Oakhurst, CA.  John is having to move his 5th wheel from an RV Park near Jackson, CA to Oakhurst for work.   Karen's taking him his truck so he can do that and we'll meet them in Oakhurst for the weekend. We'll bring Karen home with us on Monday morning. 

Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for reading! 


  1. That kitchen ... it's amazing. And a pit boss ... I can see why Ken's out playing with it. What a great addition to the back yard. Oakhurst ... now you're getting down into my country.

  2. Thank you! I do love the way the kitchen turned out :) Looking forward to the drive to Oakhurst, seems we haven't been anywhere in awhile except to the grocery store LOL.
