About Me

The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Coarsegold, CA.. Highway 108 Sonora Pass..49 Oh no..home again.

 Saturday September 10th we left the house at around 1000 to head for Coarsegold, CA to spend a couple of days with John and Karen at his new parking place for their beautiful 5th wheel. 

It was a beautiful, if not smoky drive.  We hadn't been on Highway 108, Sonora Pass in many, many years.  It's an incredibly beautiful 2 lane mountainous drive. The summit is just over 9600 feet. 

Topaz Lake in the smoke

We used to stop here almost every trip to Mule Days with Adam...Sundaes 
were always on the menu 😍


Just so beautiful!

Stopped at this campground for a potty break..gorgeous..


After leaving highway 108 we hit highway 49 for the rest of the way. The only surprise was we haven't been on this section of 49 ever before. Well, it's 2 lane, no guard rails, high and twisty. Yeah, I didn't like it much! We did the same road on the way home...glad when it was over! 

We got to John and Karen's right around 1600 or so.  We enjoyed many hours sitting outside getting caught up. Karen barbecued some awesome chicken shish kabobs for dinner. 

John's home base for as long as the job lasts...


It was really late by the time we all went to bed.  

Sunday morning we all slept in, because we could.  After coffees and some breakfast casserole I brought from home we decided to head out to town and take a look. Actually we headed for the Casino that was near by.  Ken and I don't gamble but we enjoyed looking around and just taking it easy. Karen and John gambled a bit with John winning a bit pretty quickly. 

After that we headed to the town of Coarsegold and found a few cute shops. We did spend a little money finding part of my Halloween costume at one of the antique shops.  Shoes and a hat were found. 😊 John and Karen always do an awesome party so that's where we will be. 

Outside the little stores

After going through the shops, Karen was getting hungry so we headed for a Chinese Restaurant that was very good. A quick stop at Von's for dinner stuff and a few things for John for the next week. We headed back to camp. 

We enjoyed the outside again until bedtime. No one was hungry when it came to dinner as it was a late lunch.  

Monday morning John left for work around 0600. We all got ourselves ready and then headed out for home. 

A beautiful drive once again..I really like highway 108.

Highway 49..not my favorite

Coulterville, CA...

Gotta love this barn!

Sonora, CA used to be a lot smaller and not so busy!

Back on 108

Sonora Pass 9623 feet

Marine Corps Cold Weather Training Center...


We stopped at Topaz Lake Lodge to have our Linner.  Just after 1300. Karen got to play the slots and we just enjoyed waiting for our linner with an adult beverage. Usually you can see Lake Topaz, but with the smoke you couldn't. 

Karen had a meeting in town at 1700 for the upcoming Christmas season. Ken and I went over to sit with the doggies for Happy Hour.  When we left she wasn't home yet, so we left a dog movie on for the dogs. We no more than got home and she called, laughing because we had left the movie on. 😂 They were enjoying it! 

Sunset from John's new place 

Sunset from our front porch 

Ken started the fire 

The fire in front of the kitchen

Tuesday we were home all day other than Ken running to town for water. When evening hit we took our Happy Hour to the front porch which we haven't been able to do because of the heat.  After awhile we headed to the back and the outside kitchen area.  We had our first fire of the season and it was oh so nice!!😊😊

Today (Wednesday) we start off early and headed to Reno.  I made some simple breakfast burritos which we ate in the car.  Total Wine order, then to Carson City Walmart, Tractor Supply, Raley's for drug pick up and then Sharkey's for Linner. 

After Karen got home about 1730 we headed over there for a short Happy Hour.

We've got company coming on Friday (yay) so tomorrow will be about getting ready for them. 

We've decided to postpone our Anniversary trip until mid October. We'll take a short trip to Bridgeport next week, just because we can. 

Have a great evening! 


  1. That area looks beautiful, minus the smoke. so many places to explore. What does John do for a job out there?

    1. John is a lineman/supervisor for a contractor upgrading PGE lines. Unfortunately the money is in CA so that's where he is for the next few years. 108 is a gorgeous highway for sure!

  2. You're in my country now. That's where we rode the horses. Yes Sonora is much bigger than it was ... more people and traffic anyway. Oh the stories I could tell. I can't wait to see your Halloween costume.

    1. Yes, the traffic is something in Sonora. Halloween is always fun and we figured time for a new (old) costumes. :)

  3. Beautiful. I've never been on 108. The rv park where John is staying....does each space have a storage unit?

  4. It's actually a private person's house with 1 full hookup and 2 that are no hookups. That's just outbuildings on the property. Looks like we'll be doing it again in mid October. He just got told he'll be moving back to the Placerville area. :) Much closer for him to come home on days off.
