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The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Jacob gets promoted! A little more work on the kitchen, Adam's coming to visit

 Happy Sunday! Last Thursday we were coming home from a trip to Lowe's, one of our cheaper trips LOL. My phone rang and it was our grandson Jacob who is in the Navy in Italy!  

He called to tell us he got promoted to 2nd Class Petty Officer,  this is equivalent to Sgt. in the Marines! Our youngest son Russell was in the Marines so this is how I identify rank LOL.  Russell promoted quickly but Jacob beat him in only 2 1/2 years! So excited for him.  While I've got the phone up to my ear Jacob says "You know Grandma this is a video call" LOL. Nope, I didn't. What a great day to get that call! We are so proud of you Jacob! 

Russell's Family 💖 That's our 2nd Class Petty Officer on the right! 💙
From there is Russell, Lori and Aaron 💙

Stole this from his proud Dad!!💙

                                  Found his name on the promotion list 💗

Ken got the wood nailed down on the bar area. Next up sanding, that's my job 😁

He also got to work on the buffet/prep area and it's looking awesome. We lived in North Highlands (suburb of Sacramento) from 1979 to 1996. During that time he tiled my kitchen counters. Turns out he's been moving left over tile from there with us LOL. We have 36 pieces that he's going to use on the prep table and then wood for the other bit. I'm happy to be using this tile! 

The prep/buffet table in progress 😁

A piece of tile from the 80's

The clouds looked threatening..but amounted to nothing but a little wind

We've been nearing 95 degrees every day, but it's workable temps in the kitchen. 

It appears the moth balls are working even though the smell is not great so i'll be looking for another solution. 

Our oldest grandson Adam called, so he's coming out here on his days off this week. He should be here later this evening and he'll leave on Tuesday. We do have to go to Reno tomorrow as the Can Am needs to go in for servicing. He can come with us or knowing him he'll use the day for photography somewhere! 

Adam and Erin took Raider and Daisy camping last weekend..

Both Bryan and Cheryl said when the dogs got home they were both
exhausted! Tells me they had a good time 💙

Karen's store has been open a little over a week and seems to be a big hit in Yerington! We went by to see her 4th of July goodies..of course I had to buy a little :) Can't resist the red, white and blue!! 

Champagne Sunday with the hubby! Have a great day everyone!


  1. Wow! Good job, Jacob! I can read how proud everyone is. Awesome.

  2. Congratulations Jacob, it's great to see you jumping in rank so quickly. Keep up the terrific job. I am hoping that you go far in a military career.

  3. Excellent Jacob!! Keep up the good work!! I'm just amazed at your kitchen and your oh-so-handy husband. It's going to be so much fun for you and your family.

    1. Thank you Nancy. I am blessed that he is so handy. If we had to pay for the work, it wouldn't be there! LOL.
