About Me

The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Father's day at Sand Mountain, Family visits! A surprise purchase. :) A great week!

 We had a great Father's Day weekend at Sand Mountain. Took the Can AM out for a bit, watched the crowd go up and down the mountain, just what we wanted. All the boys called Ken on Sunday. Got messages from some of the girls in our lives too! 💗

Four special guys in my life...Ken, Eric, Mason and Koa 💙

Monday, after getting ready we headed home. Nice that it's only about an hour and half from us. While we were driving Ken looked out the side view mirror and noticed that something was flapping in the wind. Oh oh. Once we got to Yerington he pulled over and found some of the siding on Nellie had tore off, not good! She is a 1989, runs like a top but this could be expensive if it's even fixable. So she may be parked as a guest room now. We only paid $1500.00 for her, so can't justify a lot of expense. We shall see. 

Champagne Sunday at Sand Mountain..my glass says it all!

Tuesday I told Ken we needed to go grocery shopping as Mason and his friend Koa were coming on Wednesday for a few days.  Eric was off too, so he was coming on Thursday bringing his Can Am.  

We left a sizable donation at Walmart and while driving home we stopped at Carson Trailers. Looked at a 16x7 cargo trailer and decided to buy it. It'll be white with two windows and a screen door. Made by Wells Cargo and very nicely done! We went with the 16x6 1/2 foot height. Hoping for it to be built in about 6 weeks! This definitely will help with the move we hope to be doing soon for one of our sons and then in a few years another! 😁 In between we hope to do a little work to it and be able to use it for the Can Am fun 😀

An example of ours, only white

Around 1400 on Wednesday Mason and Koa arrived and then they went out on the Can Am and later on the atvs. Dinner was hot links, potato salad and macaroni salad. Delicious and easy. LOL.

Eric brought Ken his Father Day gifts..just perfect! Thank
you Eric and Christina! 

Eric got here Thursday afternoon and we enjoyed visiting. The boys took that side by side out for awhile. Enchiladas and cole slaw for dinner. We visited with John and Karen at their house later. 

Friday we all went out for a ride to some of the back country. We actually found a concrete building we've never seen before so that was great. It's so beautiful back there and so many roads to be taken.  Cheese burgers and tater tots for dinner. A nice fire and conversation on the back patio.

Mason, Koa and Ken..you can't tell but of course they're 
standing near an edge! 

Would love to know the story of this concrete building in the
middle of nowhere, NV! 

My sandwich board out at Sand Mountain

Saturday Ken and Eric went out in his side x side for a ride before Eric had to head home. Biscuits and gravy for breakfast along with eggs. 😊 I mentioned it to Eric the night before and the boys said that's what they were going to ask me to make, so worked out well.  Eric left nearing noon. 

Eric  let Ken drive his hot rod Can AM!

Ken and I went for a ride with the boys to "observation point". Not my favorite ride, don't like edges LOL. 

Got a nice surprise when Adam said he was coming on his way home from the Grand Tetons. Really special having all these boys together. 😍

Saturday night Karen barbecued ribs for all of us. Macaroni and cheese and I brought a caesar salad. All tasted yummy! 

Sunday morning was chocolate chip pancakes done on the outside griddle, with bacon. The boys rode off and on through out the day. Makes it nice having BLM at the end of our road. 

3 of my guys..Adam, Mason and Ken 💙

Mason and Koa getting ready to go for the last ride, before 
Eric had to load her up! 

Ken barbecued pork chops and I made veggies on the griddle along with mashed potatoes. :) 

Monday morning was sausage and egg mc muffins on the outside griddle (HOW I LOVE THAT THING).  The boys came out with me and it was just a nice morning before everyone left for home. 

Once they left Ken and I headed for Carson City to drop off the deposit for the new trailer.  Then on to Total Wine and Linner. A good day. 

Breakfast started on the outdoor griddle..so much better 
than cooking this and more inside! 

Love that we had 5 days with Mason and Koa. A great few days with Eric and Adam. We really enjoy  having family visit when they can! Ken's sister Diane and our nephew Jesse will be here Sunday evening and then later in the month Lori, Russell and friends will be visiting for Russell's 45th birthday!💙 

Sure hope these darn mosquitos are gone by them. They are making our lives miserable! We've never had such a problem in the ten + years we've lived here! 

Just a couple of pictures from Adam's trip to Grand Tetons.

Adam on the right working the El Dorado County Fair 💖

Here are the boys getting ready to say Good Bye 

Ken just got home from helping John with something, so it's time for Happy Hour! Have a great evening! 🍷🍺


  1. Whew, I am tired and I all I did was read your blogs...lol Lots of nice pictures of family times. Hope Nellie is a cheap fix. Glad to read Ken's lung test went well. You are certainly getting a lot of use out of your outdoor kitchen and by the sounds of it enjoying every moment out there. The mosquitoes are doing well here, too. Hugs to you both!

    1. Yeah, you know we love any family time we can get! Ken's gonna see what he can do about Nellie, we shall see! Love the outdoor kitchen, as long as lizards stay away LOL.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You are going to love that trailer. We have one the exact same size. Not only can we carry our sxs in it, it also allows us to bring other items we would normally leave behind.

    1. Thanks Jim, good to hear about the trailer. Super excited to get it!

  4. I love that your grandkids come to visit so often. That's unheard of in my family!! NICE trailer ... I love those ... and they are so well made.
