About Me

The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Our Christmas visit to Joanie along with a surprise visitor! Christmas Eve at Russell's! Merry Christmas!

Thursday and Friday  were spent mostly cooking. I was getting things ready to take over to Russell's house so they'll be ready on Sunday. Ken worked outside most of the day, because he's tough!

Saturday morning we left about 0730, later than we planned but oh well. Had a lovely drive down I 80 to Rio Linda where we dropped off our little trailer at KC and Sierra's. KC is sending us home with firewood on Monday before heading home. 

It was time to head for our friend Joanie's place in North Highlands.  She's 99 now and we make a point of visiting every Christmas.  Today there was an extra special visitor going to meet us there! 

Every December 23rd I call Don Devlin to say Happy Birthday! Don was always everyones favorite captain when we were working. In talking I mentioned we were going to see Joanie Saturday. 

 He wanted to see her too so I let him know it was going to be around noon when I had a better idea of timing. After us greeting Joanie for a few minutes the door bell rang. 

We told Joanie she needed to get the door. Boy, was she surprised!! Hugs all around! 

She is the ultimate hostess at 99! She had beers for the boys, wine for us girls and goodies put out on the coffee table! 

It was like old home week, had no problem with conversation 😀 It seems like it was just yesterday we saw each other. After about and hour and half, Don needed to head out, and so did we. We'll all see her in August when she turns 100! 

It was an awesome visit with one of the sweetest ladies I have ever known and love along with one of the best supervisors ever!! Thanks, Don you made our day! 

We headed to Russell's house and proceeded to have a great afternoon there. Russell cooked an amazing brisket and a spicy try trip :) 

This was some fabulous meat!

Russell and his brother in law Michael 💙

Uncle Tom and Eric

Mason on the left, Jacob sitting 💙

Jacob, Jesse, Eric and Mason 💗

Visited for a few hours and then it was time to head to the hotel so we can be comfy and call it a night! Boy these days go quickly!

Thought I'd get this posted last night, but was too tired! Now it's Christmas morning and time to get going. Going to post this quickly, get coffee and head up to Cool to see Eric's family and what Santa brought them. 💗 

Then we'll head to Russell's once again for another great meal and visiting!

It's looking like we'll have all 5 grandsons under one roof today! One Happy Grandma here!!💙💙💙💙💙 

Have a wonderful day! Merry Christmas! 



  1. What a nice surprise for your friend Joanie. She's looking well and spry.
    Also, nice that the family could get together for the occasion.
    Wishing the entire crew a Safe and Merry Christmas.

    It's about time.

    1. Yes, glad we were able to set it up! Very spry for 99..Thank you Rick!

  2. 99, that is crazy! Sounds like you had a great day and I am guessing today will be no different. Merry Christmas!

  3. Merry Christmas to you both and your family.

  4. Brisket? Next year we are going to Russell's house. Merry Christmas to you and all the family.

  5. I can't get over Joanie at 99! She looks awesome!
    I'll be right behind Elva in line at Russell's. ☺️
    Merry Christmas!

    1. She does look awesome! The more the merrier! Come on up next year!

  6. Merry Christmas to you, Ken and all of your family!


  7. What a feast!!! I want to be like Joanie!!!! Merry Christmas!!
