About Me

The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

SNOW! Home, Thinking about Thanksgiving and a few pics of Aaron

 Sunday morning we woke to a beautiful surprise, SNOW! I know a lot of people don't like it, but we do as it only lasts a few days and we don't get it often. 

We've had the wood stove going all week as the highs are only in the low 40's. 

Champagne Sunday happened once again LOL. 

Ken tried to burn a huge pile of tumbleweeds he gathered up..but too much moisture!

We've been home mainly other than a ride to town for a few things. We know that'll change tomorrow or Friday as I've got to get stuff for Thanksgiving next week.  We'll head over on Wednesday to my sister's in California. Hoping to see most of the family 💙😀  We'll leave pretty early on Friday to get back home and beat some of the holiday traffic (we hope). 

I've been trying to do some online Christmas shopping, but I always get sidetracked LOL. Got a few things bought though. 

Ken's making an outdoor fire at Karen's so it'll be ready when she gets home from work. The pups are alone all day (except when Ken goes over to let them out) so we'll head over there to spend a little time :)

Few more pictures of grandson Aaron from when he was playing. 

He looks so tired in this pic, waiting to go back in. His team is still in
the playoffs and I know he's missing not playing. 

Our #20 💙

Not too much going on here, so I'll call it quits for today. Happy Hour next door. The pups are waiting for us! 🍷🍺🐕 Have a great evening! 


  1. He does look tired but he's still very handsome!!!
    Wow, Thanksgiving already. It seemed so far off when we left home and it's here already!!
    That kind of snow is the best kind, makes an appearance and then leaves before it's old and boring.


    1. Thank you Deb, not only is he handsome, he is so sweet too! I know Thanksgiving, it's crazy! Snow is lasting a little longer in places, because it's so cold here!

  2. Thanksgiving??? Already? I wonder if Carl's Jr is still open on Thanksgiving? Great pictures of Aaron. Those pups are so lucky to have you as neighbors.

    1. You are too funny! Best kind of pups for us to have, spoil them and then they're home with their mom! :)

  3. I can't believe November went by so fast. I'm hoping December slows for a few days so I have time to pack up. As a skier, I LOVE LOVE the snow ... I just hate driving in it.

    1. Oh I wish December would slow down! My favorite month and it always flies by!

  4. The snow is pretty and the best part for you is it does not last. I always loved those first few snow storms some of which, like yours, would be gone in a day or so. Eventually though it does stick around and it never stops coming down. The really fun part shoveling (As a teenager it was my job to get out and shovel so my Dad could get in the driveway and past the sidewalk. Then he used the snow blower to finish which I was not allowed to touch.)
    Your grandson is a handsome young man!

  5. I love that story about the snow..no wonder you're not crazy about it! Thank you Deb! Hard to believe we have 2 seniors this year!

  6. Cleaning the driveway to get the cars out for work was an early morning chore that neither of us relished at any age. It would be different now being retired but the ice and cold still make me grateful not to have it.

    1. Of course your grandson is handsome, look at his grandparents! ❤️

    2. Aww you're too sweet! Yeah I wouldn't want to shovel it either!

  7. Nice to be in the play-offs. Good luck. Lots of white stuff. I guess you will have a white Thanksgiving. Enjoy the holidays.

    1. They lost their last playoff game, but did really well over the season! :) No white Thanksgiving :( snows pretty much gone, but it will be a cold one!

  8. That snow certainly is beautiful, especially when it goes away in a day or two!
