About Me

The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Monday, November 28, 2022

Thanksgiving, friends, decorating, Christmas shopping

All decorated 💗 The tree skirt I made 50 years  ago
for my mom and dad 💖

Egg nog and brandy 

 Last Wednesday we got everything loaded up and were out the door around 0900 or so.  We headed over the hill via Highway 50 to Fair Oaks and my sister Linda's house where we unloaded the ice chests.  Then we headed towards the motel in Rocklin, CA.  We were settled in our room around 1500. 

Thursday morning, after eating hard boiled eggs and toast I brought from home we headed back to Linda's where Ken dropped me off and he headed out to KC's house for a little visiting. His yearly tradition. 

K.C and Sierra's daughter Rylee Mae and grandson Jed 💙💗 

Between Linda and I we proceeded to take over the kitchen and dining area, heating up foods etc. Her kitchen always looks so nice when we walk in and POOF it's full of food and no counter space LOL. 

People started arriving around 1100 and continued on. It was a really nice afternoon, visiting with family and friends. Eating way too much food! We were gifted with early birthday presents from our kids! A surprise to say the least 💗

Russell and Melissa 

Melissa and me, I've wanted to meet her for awhile 💙

Russell, Lori, John and Andrea

Jesse and Aaron💙

Adam and his mom Cheryl 💙


My sister, Wendy 💗

Tasha and Jesse


Wendy's husband Shawn 

Princess Cassidy 

Christina and Eric 💙

Thought I got pictures of most people..but I'm missing alot :( 

Around 1600 we headed over to Ken's mom's house for a visit (I didn't get a picture :(  We visited a while and then headed for the motel. 

It was dark and we're both not crazy about driving after dark. Russell was having his friends over and smoking a turkey. He had invited us to come over and spend the night. On the way to the motel Ken asked if we wanted to surprise him by showing up. I said sure, he got off the freeway but I mentioned I needed to get my jammies. Well, somehow after getting off, we actually weren't sure where we were. The motel is right off the freeway but we had to find the right road..uhhh. Laughable really as we spent most of life in the area. Night time sure makes a difference! 

Friday morning we took our time getting ready and heading out. We decided to stop at Edelweiss Restaurant in Auburn. One of our most favorite places to eat when we're in town. It was packed with people! As we were finishing our brunch Paul and Lisa Hatten walked into the restaurant. Hugs all around and a little chit chat. Lisa was friends with our boys growing up! Always one of my favorite girls! Her hubby is a sweetie too! 💙

Nice drive home, up I80 which isn't our favorite because of big rigs. We were home in the afternoon and got unloaded. John had a fire going, so over we went. They had tons of left overs so we enjoyed that with her family.  

Saturday we watched a little college football together and then got ready that afternoon to decorate the tree. 😊 That involves egg nog and brandy along with the Christmas movie "The Night They Saved Christmas". Tradition you know! 

Karen sent this picture of Mugsy and Lila. John had just lit
the fire so the pups were waiting for us to come through the gate
We didn't, because it was tree decorating night 😪

Sunday was a day for online shopping and doing some cleaning. Ken was outside putting lights in a tree so Karen is able to enjoy them from her house. He put up the new tree we bought for outside and then to my surprise he put lights on the outdoor kitchen! He made this girl happy! 😂💖

Later in the day we headed next door for Happy Hour and to see the pups! 

Today we headed to Reno for a Total Wine pick up. Carson City and Lowe's for a pick up. Then to Betsy's for linner. A great day! The winds were up so we stopped by Karen's store to check on her Christmas decorations on the roof..well, not anymore. We let them know, so they headed over with a ladder to get them down. 

Ken got a special early birthday call from our friends Al and Irene in Florida! They'll be in Amsterdam on his birthday so decided to sing to him early! 💙 I talked with son Bryan for awhile 💙

Once more, Thank you Ken for quitting smoking 34 years ago on November 22nd! He quit and figured he'd be spending the $$ no matter what. He puts $100.00 a month into a special account and on Thanksgiving he gives it to me to spend on NOTHING BUT CHRISTMAS! 34 years ago we didn't have a lot of $$, but I had to spend it on Christmas!💙🎅

Stole this from FB..because it's a cute pic of Russell and Lori 💕

We're home, it's 36 feels like 30 going for 18 overnight. Brrr..but we're nice and toasty inside with a nice fire going. 

Have a great night! 


  1. What great time! Lots of smiling faces and happy folks, glad you had a happy celebration.
    The two dogs waiting for you and Ken is too cute. You can see the excitement in them!
    Congrats Ken, happy anniversary!
    Stay warm by that fire!


    1. It was a great day! We love those pups and that picture, I was ready to put the tree to another night, but my other half said I had to toughen up..LOL. Pretty proud of him for quitting and always putting that $$ aside!

  2. Wow, you guys were busy! I bet it was nice to see everyone but it will be equally as nice to relax for a few days as well.

    1. Always great to see family and friends :) yes, peace and quiet is nice too along with leftovers LOL.

  3. That picture of Rylee and Jed ... you should frame that!!!!! What a great time with family, even if you did get lost. It sounds WAY too cold. Keep that fire going!!!

    1. I agree they're adorable. Yeah that driving at night sucks. Our mistake was getting off the freeway LOL.

  4. That Princess Cassidy is so cute with that dress and a beer in her hand. All grown up. Sound like a great time with family and friends. Congrats to Ken for quitting and making good use of the money he saved.

    1. Cassidy is a sweetie every time I see her :) It's always a good time to get together with family!

  5. Replies
    1. It was wonderful to see him for sure. :) He called Ken today for his bday!
