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The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Happy 21st Birthday Seth! Marine Corps Birthday! Veteran's Day! Ken's appointment and Veteran's Parade in Virginia City.

Happy Marine Corps Birthday! 247 years! 

Russell and friends always hold a Marine Corps Birthday party at Old Town Pizza in Roseville, Ca. The server, Sam (short for Samantha I'm sure) buys the cake for them and decorates the area they're in. Awesome, right! 

An awesome turn out of Marines! That's our Marine in the red shirt with a 
big smile on his face! 💙

Happy 21st Birthday Seth! 

Eric, (love the hat) Holly, Seth, Mason and Christina 💙💙

This was Seth's first "legal" beer, (Holly had to work).💙 Christina, Mason, 
Seth and Eric ...

Seth with his mom Christina 💗

Seth 21 with his Birthday Buddy, Owen 8 💙
This was a year or two ago, so a new pic is needed!

Thursday morning we headed for Carson City and Ken's lung appointment with Dr. Foster. It was all good! No masks required, and because he's about a foot and a half taller than me, he rolled over on his chair and gave me a hug. 💙 He knows I'm a hugger LOL. Ken will see him again in 6 months.    

We stopped at Walmart to leave a nice donation. Then we bought 2 turkeys and 2 hams at Raley's in Carson City too.  Cheapest price we've seen, 67 cents a pound for turkey and $1.79 a pound for shank ham.  

We headed to Betsy's Big Kitchen for linner and then home.  Karen called, but we were too tired and cold to get together for Happy Hour. The wind was up and temperatures were down! 

Friday morning I made a couple of simple egg burritos on low carb shells and we headed out for Virginia City, about an hour and half away from us. They were holding their annual Veteran's Day Parade and we love this event! 

It started at 1100 and we were there about an hour early or so. Virginia City is on a hill so we headed uphill (of course).  We found the bar we were at when the outhouse races were going on.  The Silver Dollar Saloon (known to locals as "The Sharft") is downstairs. Quite a few steps to get down there and then back up to the street. 

Wow! We were surprised at how crowded it was for 1015 or so in the am. Of course, we were there too LOL. Bloody Mary for Ken and Screwdriver, but made with Gin for me. 

At just about 1100 we went up to enjoy the parade, and that we did! The National Anthem was sung by a young lady with no musical accompaniment. It was awesome, brought tears to my eyes and to others around us! I hate the theatrical versions done! Pure, simple and from the heart! It was awesome!💖

You can't really see this little family's signs but they say 
"Thank you for our Freedom!" They held them up the whole parade!

Storey County got the Sheriff they wanted!


Some "vintage" Marines

This bar is in town somewhere..apparently well liked according to
people we talked with..

A great turn out for the parade

After the parade we went back to the Silver Dollar and had one more drink. Amazing to see the people in there! More were coming in so we left to head for home. 

We decided rather than stop to eat somewhere, let's go home, barbecue some burgers and fries and start a fire in the outdoor kitchen. What a great idea! 

My first day of UGGS..high of 38..

By the time we were eating it was around 1500. That's ok, it was awesome and we sat on the bar stools enjoying the view! About 1630 Ken brought up going next door and starting a fire and visiting with the pups! Great idea! Karen was happy there was a huge fire when she got home from work! We visited for quite awhile and then headed home. No dinner needed! 

An awesome fire at Karen's

Today we were mostly at home, other than a trip to Raley's where each of us got another turkey for the freezer. They say limit 1, so we checked out separately. They had no hams or I would have bought another one! 

Ken's been working outside getting things done and I've been in the house doing the same. I did change out the guest rooms bedspreads and put Christmas ones on 😀

Couple of updates here.

Grandson Aaron had an MRI on Monday for his knee. Torn ACL and Meniscus. Surgery in the near future, so his football days this year are done 😪

My sister Linda's dog Tank crossed the rainbow bridge this week. It was quick and painless for him, at least. Of course those left behind are the ones that do the grieving. 💙

Got a fire going watching clouds come in right now. We'll see what we get! 😁 Have a great evening! Thanks for reading! 💖🍺🍸

Last but not least, THANK YOU to our Veterans!! A special THANK YOU to our own! Russell, Jacob and Seth! 💙


  1. Love the pictures of the parade and the pictures of your boys. Sorry to hear about Aaron and hope he can play next year

    1. Thank you! Yeah, very proud mom and grandma here! LOL. Yes we hope he can play too!

  2. A very wonderful post, thank you for sharing with us.
    Hope all goes well with knee surgery.
    Very thoughtful to visit the furry creatures and start a fire. You folks are fantastic neighbours.


  3. What an awesome parade and that bar looks great. Sorry to hear about Aaron's knee and Tank.

    1. I love Virginia City as they are a very patriotic town! The bar is fun and they have a great bartender! She functions so well under pressure! LOL. A tough ending to his senior year of football! Always hard to lose a special pet.

  4. Happy 21st birthday to Seth!!! The Marines party hardy ... they met at the Elks Lodge. You could hear them singing clear down the street. Thank you for your families service!!! You have lots of reasons to celebrate. Good price on turkeys ... not so much here.

    1. Haha yes they do! Very proud of the boys! Raley's price on turkeys, cheapest we've found. It is surprising as Raley's is so expensive on everything else. We bought two moe in town yesterday, but they only had small ones. I was going to pick up a ham too, but they didn't have them. Darn!

  5. What a great parade. Wellton had one too but on a much smaller scale. It's the thought that counts! Owen...such a cutie. Happy birthday Seth. Sorry about Aaron.

    1. Thanks Elva!Yep, any parade is a good one as long as it's small town living in my opinion!

  6. Happy Birthday to Seth and a Happy Veterans Day to all the Vets in your family.
    Hoping the Knee heals soon.
    Glad Ken's lung continues to get stronger.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  7. Hope Aaron's knee heals quickly. Good to read Ken is doing well. Happy Birthday to Seth. What a great Veterans Day Parade, looks like fun. To the Veterans in your family, Thank You For Your Service.

  8. Thank you Deb for all the nice comments! This month is moving way too quickly! :)
