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The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Friday, June 14, 2024

Happy Anniversary Seth and Holly! A hot week but the stock tank sure feels good! :)

Happy 3rd Anniversary to our grandson Seth and his lovely bride, Holly! How time does fly. Holly's in Washington state right now mopping up a fire for the next 14 days or so. They'll have to celebrate once she gets home! 

Seth and Holly 💖
June 12th 2021

Christina and Seth on the beach at La Jolla

Last Sunday we enjoyed our Champagne Sunday and had John and Karen over for barbecued sandwiches. Ken barbecued some chicken for later in the week. It was cool enough then, would have sucked later in the day. 

I enjoyed my Mimosa while Ken enjoyed a
Bloody Mary for a change up :)

We've been having above average temps this week, but sure makes the stock tank feel good!  

My new floaty from Amazon, takes up half the 
pool 😂 Very comfy... once I'm in it...😂

We were joking that we have a Charlie Brown tomato
plant. Tall and spindly and one tomato! Sure didn't
inherit my daddy's gardening talent! 

Wednesday we ran to Fallon to visit their huge Ace Hardware to see about fireplace parts for Bryan's house. We were able to get the double wall 90, so at least that's something. Couple more pieces of pipe and we should have it all for October, with the way the year is flying it'll be here before we know it! 

Made a quick trip to their Walmart and then lunch at a casino we've never been too and will never again. Food was good, higher priced and no IPA's for Ken. Service was slow as they had a hiring sign up. 

Other than that we've been home this week. Ken's busy outdoors as usual. Today he's making a fence out back to stop the tumbleweeds from coming in that way. They are crazy and he's been working and burning daily. Temps are mid 90's, one day 99. 

The stock tank has been enjoyed most every afternoon, when he's ready to quit. An ice cold Corona Light tastes pretty good to me (Only one as they're too filling) LOL. 

Last two days in the afternoon we've had thunder,
lightning, wind and a little rain. Great shows! 

That's about it from here. Friday, one more time. I went to town to mail Jacob's last package and saw Main Street is lined with American Flags! Love that sight! There's the annual Yerington Car Show this weekend. Cars were already lining Main Street. We'll go up tomorrow before it gets too hot. 

Saw this cute pic of Russell and Lori and friends
so I stole it :)

This week at Log Off Brewing is "Heroes Week"
half off beer and a challenge coin. Russell made a 
point to stop by. Love how they appreciate law enforcement! 

Time to see about some lunch for us! Have a great weekend! 


  1. Happy Anniversary to Seth and Holly. Time does fly when you are having fun. Hope Holly stays Safe at fighting those fires.
    We are also starting to see the warmer temperatures, but you will see many more than we will.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. I think of your stock tank every day. If I can ever get the hitch out of my truck so I can haul one, I'm getting it!!!

    1. I so love it! Got a cold spell going on now, so probably the weekend!

  3. Love the stock tank too. What's the temperature of the water?

    1. Thanks Patsy! I don't know, but I do know when it was 95 for a few days, it felt the same in the tank. Cold spell now so it'll be a few days more before we'll be back in there!

  4. You guys sure know how to live life to the fullest. Love your new floaty!
