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The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Thursday, June 6, 2024

A great cardiologist appointment for Ken! This and that! Kenna graduates high school! Zach Bryan concert for Allissa!

Aaron's sweetie, Kenna graduated high school last week πŸ’–
Congratulations Kenna! 

Allissa (on the left) got to go see Zach Bryan with her 
friend Taylor πŸ’•

Do you think the girls are happy to be there ? πŸ’—πŸ˜ƒ

 Another week or more has passed once again! It's HOT here in Yerington 95 right now! Today we'll finally get to use the stock tank this afternoon. Ken already jumped in after doing some serious burning of tumbleweeds! 

Not a lot went on this week except Ken had the best cardiologist appointment since this all began! Dr. Jeffery Turner is amazing! Ken's ejection rate is back to where they want it, heart rate down, No AFIB. The ablation he performed has worked! He took him off one heart medicine as it can cause problems if left on it for too long. He will see the PA but doesn't have to see Dr. Turner until 9 months from now. πŸ˜€

Ken's been keeping busy between splitting the wood we got from Tahoe a few months ago and taking care of tumbleweeds. We have never had so many! 

We just got back from getting firewood from the local place for outdoor burning. Nights do cool so a nice fire is awesome if we're outside. 

We did have our champagne Sunday. Just Ken and me
this weekend. 

Our brunch was the cauliflower pizza crust. Oh so 

Nancy, this is the low carb ice cream I love. I'm a 
chocolate girl, but Vanilla is the best flavor with a little
sugar free chocolate sauce, or fruit. YUM! 2/3 cup
is the serving size for 100 calories

Cassiday and Owen's last day of school so Grandma and Grandpa (sis Linda
and Bobby) took the kids out for a treat! Cassidy graduated kindergarten
so on to 1st grade! 

Owen's heads for 4th grade! Where does the time go?!! 
Gotta love his T Shirt! Cousin Jacob is in the Navy! πŸ’–

My sister Wendy thought she lost her ATM card, turns out
Phoenix had it. LOL. Guess he wanted to go shopping! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Well, that's about it.  Time to head for the stock tank and an adult beverage. 

Stir fry for dinner later on the outdoor griddle, so I'll need to be cooled off! 

Have a wonderful evening! 


  1. Woohoo for Ken! Tumbleweeds are the worst. I sprayed everything before we left hoping to come back to none. Last time we left for any length of time you could not even see our driveway!

    1. Thanks Jim! I remember that blog post. Worst year ever we've had!

  2. Congratulations to Ken for a great doctor visit. The big kids and little kids are all so cute. Way to go baby Phoenix!

  3. AAHHHGGG I was thrilled with the sight of low carb ice cream, then you show Cassidy and Owens treats!!!!! I'll see if I can find that in my neck of the woods. Thank you SO much!! Congrats to Ken ... so happy that is working, which I'm sure is in part because of your great heart healthy cooking skills. I'm going for a stock tank today!! LOL

    1. I get mine at Raley's because that's only 7 miles from here. Thank you Nancy we do what we can to keep him around! :)

  4. Congratulations Ken! Best news ever!
    I'll have to look for that ice cream too.

    1. Yes it is Patsy. Ice cream is so good. Not real, but the best of the best of low carb in my opinion! I took 2/3 cup, little milk and a few strawberries in the food processor yesterday. OH so good! Like a milkshake I haven't had in years! :)
