About Me

The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Friday, June 28, 2024

Adam and Erin's trip...Our trip..A great Linner today!

 Gosh hard to believe it's Friday and almost the end of the month! Since payday happened, it's the end in my book! LOL. 

Last Sunday Adam and Erin had a day off together. This doesn't happen often with their work schedules. Stay at home? NOPE. They went over to highway 88 and took a hike, quite a hike I would say. 

Adam and Erin at the top of Round Top Mountain 10,300 foot! πŸ’™

Another beautiful lake they found at the top! 

One day we went over to Carson City and picked up part of the wood stove order for Bryan and Cheryl's wood stove in Arkansas. We want to have it all here, so Ken make sure it's going to work when we get back there in October. 

Wednesday we decided to take a day drive to Silver Lake on Highway 88 in California. It's only a couple of hours from here so why not? We have friends (KC and Sierra) who have a seasonal spot in a private campground. Thought we'd see what spots are available there if it works during the summer we could visit when they are there. A very busy couple so we'll see what works. 

Yeah, not crazy about this part of the road, especially since
the fire! 

Such a beautiful lake, Silver Lake. We used to camp here
all the time when our boys were little. In tents then. The 
sites are pretty small in the NFS campground. 

Brought our tuna sandwiches and barbecue chips with us. My mom used
to make the same meal when we were teens and took a day drive. πŸ’™πŸ˜
Awesome memories!! πŸ’™ We added beer and wine which she didn't πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

It was a beautiful and 72 degrees compared to 90+ at home. 

Yesterday we headed for Carson City once again to pick up the rest of the chimney stuff for the wood stove. We're set now! Had linner at Betsy's and then headed home. We watched the debate between Trump and Biden and then a movie and bedtime. 

Today was Ken's idea to have Bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches with homemade fries for lunch. Oh, and let's have champagne while I cook. Who am I to argue!?? YUMMY! 

My new glass! Don't ya love it?!!

Ken wanted BLT and homemade fries..so yummy!

My great niece Cassidy..so can't wait to see her next month she turns 6!!
So looks like her momma! 

                      Our view from the stock tank today! Love this thing!

                        Have a great night we're headed next door for Happy Hour!

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Car Show, Adam Visits, Mexican Food, Can Am ride, A good week!

Adam came to visit this week. He spent a day hiking in 
Bridgeport, CA. Found this beautiful mountain lake on his
10,000+ foot hike! 

 Well, that week sure went by fast! Last Saturday we attended the yearly car show in Yerington. It was warm, but certainly not as warm as many others. I believe it was the biggest car show ever since we've been here. The closest to it was during COVID and we had a "Protest Car Show". People came from all over for that one! 

We loaded up the back end of the car with some mimosa goodies and enjoyed those in our insulated cups that Seth and Holly got us. 

Nothing better than ice cold champagne! πŸ₯‚πŸΎ

Sunday was our regular Champagne Sunday and was greatly enjoyed. 

All the goodies on cauliflower pizza crust YUM. 
Tomorrow it's burgers and fries LOL. 

In the afternoon we took a Can AM ride up into the BLM to see if we could figure where Night In The Country was moving to. Local farmer donated 160 acres to the venue so they've been working hard to get it ready for the end of July. Beautiful day for a ride.

Think we found the area! It'll be packed with people
in about a month! Benefits the Boys and Girls Club!

Monday was Ken's bi yearly lung appointment and it turned out great. Next one in December. 

We did some running around and then had to pick up prescriptions in Gardnerville. That's a mess for the next 3 to 6 months with construction and resurfacing of the roads. So we'll only go there when we absolutely have too! 

We stopped at Rosie's Mexican food in Wellington on the way home. Our new go to when we're coming from Gardnerville. YUM! 

Pictures don't do it justice, as I've never had a such a HUGE
burrito. I brought a lot of the plate home and Adam
had it for Monday night dinner. 

Same with Ken's chimichunga ! 

Grandson Adam arrived Monday evening after work and spent most of the week with us 😍 

Tuesday he took off for a few hours and did the Wilson Canyon hike. He requested "Papa Burgers" for dinner so that's what he got. Basically homemade 1/2 pound burgers with all the fixings πŸ˜ƒ

Papa burgers with anaheim chilis 

Wednesday he was gone most of the day hiking a trail over at Bridgeport, CA. It went up over 10,000 feet. Came back a little sunburned even after sunscreen but he loved the hike. 

Thursday was a laid back day. We left the house about 1230 and took him to lunch at Rosie's. He loved it. Back home, an afternoon and evening of movies and relaxation. 

Friday morning I was up by 0415 and made him a sandwich for his lunch at work. He left here about 0450 to be at work in the Pollock Pines area at 0800. We really enjoyed having him 😊

Later in the morning we headed for Carson City to pick up a part for Bryan's wood stove at Lowe's. We've got the rest on order from Lowe's, hoping they come in soon. 

A visit with John and Karen was in order, so that's how we closed out the night. 

Stole these from FB. Eric and his boys enjoying Father's Day togetherπŸ’™




Great Nephew Phoenix is really growing up. Hope to 
get my hands on him mid July πŸ’™

It's 97 as I'm writing so a dunk in the stock tank is on order this afternoon. Clear blue skies! I see my kids in Arkansas are 97 with a feels like 104. Oh the humidity, guess it could be worse.  Ken just put two Corona Lights in the freezer so time to get the swim suit on! 

Have a great weekend! 

Friday, June 14, 2024

Happy Anniversary Seth and Holly! A hot week but the stock tank sure feels good! :)

Happy 3rd Anniversary to our grandson Seth and his lovely bride, Holly! How time does fly. Holly's in Washington state right now mopping up a fire for the next 14 days or so. They'll have to celebrate once she gets home! 

Seth and Holly πŸ’–
June 12th 2021

Christina and Seth on the beach at La Jolla

Last Sunday we enjoyed our Champagne Sunday and had John and Karen over for barbecued sandwiches. Ken barbecued some chicken for later in the week. It was cool enough then, would have sucked later in the day. 

I enjoyed my Mimosa while Ken enjoyed a
Bloody Mary for a change up :)

We've been having above average temps this week, but sure makes the stock tank feel good!  

My new floaty from Amazon, takes up half the 
pool πŸ˜‚ Very comfy... once I'm in it...πŸ˜‚

We were joking that we have a Charlie Brown tomato
plant. Tall and spindly and one tomato! Sure didn't
inherit my daddy's gardening talent! 

Wednesday we ran to Fallon to visit their huge Ace Hardware to see about fireplace parts for Bryan's house. We were able to get the double wall 90, so at least that's something. Couple more pieces of pipe and we should have it all for October, with the way the year is flying it'll be here before we know it! 

Made a quick trip to their Walmart and then lunch at a casino we've never been too and will never again. Food was good, higher priced and no IPA's for Ken. Service was slow as they had a hiring sign up. 

Other than that we've been home this week. Ken's busy outdoors as usual. Today he's making a fence out back to stop the tumbleweeds from coming in that way. They are crazy and he's been working and burning daily. Temps are mid 90's, one day 99. 

The stock tank has been enjoyed most every afternoon, when he's ready to quit. An ice cold Corona Light tastes pretty good to me (Only one as they're too filling) LOL. 

Last two days in the afternoon we've had thunder,
lightning, wind and a little rain. Great shows! 

That's about it from here. Friday, one more time. I went to town to mail Jacob's last package and saw Main Street is lined with American Flags! Love that sight! There's the annual Yerington Car Show this weekend. Cars were already lining Main Street. We'll go up tomorrow before it gets too hot. 

Saw this cute pic of Russell and Lori and friends
so I stole it :)

This week at Log Off Brewing is "Heroes Week"
half off beer and a challenge coin. Russell made a 
point to stop by. Love how they appreciate law enforcement! 

Time to see about some lunch for us! Have a great weekend! 

Thursday, June 6, 2024

A great cardiologist appointment for Ken! This and that! Kenna graduates high school! Zach Bryan concert for Allissa!

Aaron's sweetie, Kenna graduated high school last week πŸ’–
Congratulations Kenna! 

Allissa (on the left) got to go see Zach Bryan with her 
friend Taylor πŸ’•

Do you think the girls are happy to be there ? πŸ’—πŸ˜ƒ

 Another week or more has passed once again! It's HOT here in Yerington 95 right now! Today we'll finally get to use the stock tank this afternoon. Ken already jumped in after doing some serious burning of tumbleweeds! 

Not a lot went on this week except Ken had the best cardiologist appointment since this all began! Dr. Jeffery Turner is amazing! Ken's ejection rate is back to where they want it, heart rate down, No AFIB. The ablation he performed has worked! He took him off one heart medicine as it can cause problems if left on it for too long. He will see the PA but doesn't have to see Dr. Turner until 9 months from now. πŸ˜€

Ken's been keeping busy between splitting the wood we got from Tahoe a few months ago and taking care of tumbleweeds. We have never had so many! 

We just got back from getting firewood from the local place for outdoor burning. Nights do cool so a nice fire is awesome if we're outside. 

We did have our champagne Sunday. Just Ken and me
this weekend. 

Our brunch was the cauliflower pizza crust. Oh so 

Nancy, this is the low carb ice cream I love. I'm a 
chocolate girl, but Vanilla is the best flavor with a little
sugar free chocolate sauce, or fruit. YUM! 2/3 cup
is the serving size for 100 calories

Cassiday and Owen's last day of school so Grandma and Grandpa (sis Linda
and Bobby) took the kids out for a treat! Cassidy graduated kindergarten
so on to 1st grade! 

Owen's heads for 4th grade! Where does the time go?!! 
Gotta love his T Shirt! Cousin Jacob is in the Navy! πŸ’–

My sister Wendy thought she lost her ATM card, turns out
Phoenix had it. LOL. Guess he wanted to go shopping! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Well, that's about it.  Time to head for the stock tank and an adult beverage. 

Stir fry for dinner later on the outdoor griddle, so I'll need to be cooled off! 

Have a wonderful evening!