About Me

The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Quick catch up

 I started this blog on Friday, but got sidetracked with Happy Hour next door. :) Now if I don't get it posted now, I'll be sidetracked for the same reason LOL. 🍻🍷🍸

Well, here it is Friday afternoon in Yerington.  It's been a good week with not much going on. The weather has been warm and because it clouds up in the afternoon, yesterday we got a good soaking of rain and thunder. We packed ourselves up and headed for the outdoor kitchen and enjoyed listening to it on the tin roof! Nothing better than that! 

Watching the storm coming in 😃

Because of the snow melt, these houses are getting
inundated with water. Walker River 

Running fast and high! 

Thursday we ran to Gardnerville to pick up our neighbor John's birthday gift as it's on Sunday. Then we visited Sharkey's for linner. Again the fish tacos were excellent (Ken says).  

Russell and Me 💖

Ken got the stock tank cleaned and filled. Now we just need warmer temps to warm it up! 

I sent my doctor blood pressure readings for 10 days or so as he asked me to do that.   He put me on additional low dose med. It really has done nothing yet except make me nauseous, dry mouth, headache, and shakes. It says it can take two weeks to get into your system so hoping that happens sooner rather than later! My morning numbers are high but evening numbers are low. Figure though I can't start drinking a glass of wine 🍷in the am to keep them low LOL. Except Champagne Sundays of course. 🥂 As of Saturday morning numbers were down, hoping it continues. 

I wanted to at least get this posted as John and Karen have company so we'll be going over later for dinner with them. Have a wonderful evening! 😀💗 



  1. Wish we were getting some rain here in central Calif.
    It just refreshes everything.
    Trust this blood pressure finally works out.
    My SIL says there are over a hundred different ones.
    Ask for another if you keep having side effects.
    Always enjoy your posts !!

  2. Forgot to sign the above.... Linda a

  3. Hope you can get the bp under control. It must be frustrating. Fortunately. Bill nor i have that to deal with. Yet, at least!

  4. If only everyday was Sunday, then your BP would be under control!

  5. It's interesting that though the snow is melting, we aren't seeing much of it in the valley yet. I think they dumped all the reservoirs early to try and hold it back. So far so good. I think I need a stock tank!!!

  6. Oh no. I'm sorry about the BP. I deal with that too. Where is there a rule you can't have a glass of wine in the morning? Like someone said there are many medications available so if this one keeps making you sick...next! Blessings.
