About Me

The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Friday, January 27, 2023

A new sign, trying to get to Gardnerville, Rock delivery

About 38 1/2 years ago, when my sister Wendy got married the reception was in
my parents back yard. My daddy, who was good ole Arkansas boy did a toast
and said this to my mom! Surprised the heck out of us, but oh we loved it 💖Every 
time I hear or see this saying I think of them. I had to have this when we 
stopped at Karen's store this week. 💖

Mom and Daddy at Linda's wedding 40 years ago 💖

Wendy's wedding..38 years ago💖

 Not a whole lot going on this week except trying to get ready to take a trip next week. Now it's pushed to a Tuesday leave date. 

Monday we headed for Reno and Cabela's to pick up the new gun. That process only took about 15 minutes and we were out the door. As long as we're in Reno, must swing by Total Wine and pick up our order. Not that we needed it, it's for the trip. Everything went directly into the Mansion. 

Of course a trip to Walmart, then we treated ourselves to linner at Red's 395 Cafe. It's little more expensive than Betsy's but oh so worth it. After that we headed home. 

The cutest place, great service and food!

Tuesday we thought we'd head for the gun range and let Ken shoot his new gun. It's only a mile and half from us or so. There were two people there already so let's head for the BLM which is just down the road. Ken didn't fire too many as he's low on that ammo. Shot enough to know he's happy with this little gun :) 

Our view from where we were shooting 😀

We called in an order for our prescriptions to make sure we don't run out on vacation. Luckily even though some were early, they were able to fill them. So Thursday we decided to take a trip to Gardnerville, via the back way since 208 is closed due to the rock slide in Wilson Canyon. WE thought we knew what road to take, but ended up not where we were supposed to be. :(( It was getting later in the day, so we came home. 

I was able to post on FB and found someone who told me how to get there. We actually  were near the turn off, and missed it.  Monday we'll head to Gardnerville and get our drugs. Hence the Tuesday leave date. 

 Tomorrow we're headed over to Cool, CA to celebrate grandson Mason's 18th birthday. It'll be a one day turnaround as they're expecting snow over the summit on Sunday. We don't mind driving in the snow, it's the idiots who don't know how to drive and end up getting the highway closed! 

Stole these from FB..Seth and Holly went snowboarding
last weekend💙

Looks like a good time was had by all 💙

Ken's a happy homeowner today. He got 24 ton of 3/4 rock delivered. Last time we bought it during the time we were building the outdoor kitchen it was $1100.00 today it was $544.00, more along the lines of what we've paid before. 

Looks like John's got a fire going next door, so over we head for Happy Hour. 🍺🍷🐶 Have a great evening! 


  1. Love that sign! Hopefully you going on vacation means you're coming south? It would be cool to meet up!

    1. We are coming south! Right now the only set in stone plans are to attend Howling at the Moon in Yuma on the 5th and 6th. Yes we would love to meet up! :)

    2. Perfect, we are looking at staying there on the 6th!

    3. Awesome! Looking forward to seeing you then! :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Patsy. Funny how some things just stick w you, and then you come across the memory :)

  3. Cute pictures of your mom and dad. Good to see the price of rock go down. Hopefully other prices will go down.

    1. I hope so too. We've got one other small spring project that involves wood haha.

  4. Love the sign. Happy birthday Mason! So near and yet so far away. Lol. I thought the almost at the turn story was cute! I think we’ve all done that. South would be a good direction for the Mansion to head!


  5. Oh yes ... time to head south to less snow. It's really pretty, I just don't want to travel in it. I'm sure happy to hear that some prices are going down. Sounds like you got a good deal. Really nice pictures of your parents.

  6. Great sign of a beautiful sentiment. Wonderful pictures of your parents. Glad to hear things went smoothly for Ken picking up the new gun. Good to hear you are packing up that mansion and heading, I am going to guess, somewhere warmer. Hope to see you guys.

    1. Thank you Deb. Picking it up was easy and he loves it. Hoping to see you too. Other than Howling, we have no idea where this trip will take us :)
