Once again can't believe how time flies! Since the last posting we have sold and closed on the Winnemucca property! It happened so quickly and easy once it went into escrow...We left Bridgeport after camping and I took the kids home and Ken went to Winnemucca to clear off the stuff we had left. We signed papers and the 18th and the 19th the money was in the bank.
The property worked well for us doing the 4 years we owned it, but now it's a good feeling to have that behind us and on to new adventures!
Adam's fish in the skillet...it was huge! |
Adam in the kitchen with the spine of the fish! |
Who I will miss the most at the Winnemucca property....Miss Ruby!! |
Ken said it was so sad to leave her....it was as if she knew it was his last time out there! |
Next project to get the old swamp cooler off the roof....
Really?!! Does this look like a good idea??!! |
Waking up this am (the 24th) in Sacramento at the Super 8...Dave Alaskin had his annual party last night and so we decided to come into town...got to see some of Ken's work buddies and a good time was had by all...today we plan on going to see Ken's mom and Diane before we head home....
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