About Me

The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Monday, December 30, 2024

Christmas and beyond

Been trying to get this posted for days..I always get sidetracked! 

 Hoping everyone had a wonderful Christmas day and beyond. 

We set our alarm for 0330 so we would be at Eric's around 0700. We like to enjoy our mornings before heading out. We were a little late, but knew they were up and had coffee going. Actually, Eric had breakfast going. YUM! 

A beautiful sunrise coming into Cool, CA 

Holly loves cow print! 

Seth opening, Amber watching

Mason, Christina, Amber and Eric in background πŸ’™

Mason got up a little later and then Seth and Holly arrived about 0800. Christmas presents were opened. 

Eric and Christina had a birthday present for me. My daddy passed away December of 1990. Eric had his red toolbox and took tools, made this box and put some of the tools in it. I love it! No tears were shed (lying). I can still see my daddy in his shed using these tools. Thank you Eric, so special. πŸ’™πŸ’™

I so love this πŸ’™πŸ’•

We had a nice breakfast of eggs, sausage and potatoes while everyone opened their gifts. 

About 0845 we left Cool to head to Antelope to see Russell and Lori's family open gifts. They were almost done with their opening of gifts except the ones we gave them. 

Aaron and Allissa πŸ’–

Lori and AaronπŸ’–

A gift we got, was to see our grandson, Jacob who we hadn't seen in over a year due to a 9 month deployment in the Middle East! 

Jacob πŸ’™πŸ’™

Once we were done there we headed to my sister Linda's house. She and Bobby hosted Christmas for family and friends. As always a great time was had by all. Our middle sister Wendy didn't make it as she wasn't feeling great. 

Chelsea, Cassidy and Owen πŸ’™

The Byrnes Family. Cassidy, Chelsea, Owen, Linda, Dusty and Bobby πŸ’—

Our grandsons, Aaron, Seth, Adam, Mason and Jacob 
So proud of the young men they've turned out to be! πŸ’™πŸ’™

Cousins! Aaron, Seth, Adam, Mason, Jacob, Jesse and Dusty

Our grandsons and their ladies. Cassidy filling in for Kenna, Seth and Holly, Adam and Erin, Mason and Chloe, Jacob and Allissa πŸ’•

Our pride and joy! All our boys! Seth, Mason, Eric, Ken, me, Russell, Jacob, Aaron
and AdamπŸ’–πŸ’™

Aaron, Lori, Russell, Jacob and AllissaπŸ’— Just missing Aaron's sweetie, Kenna

Seth, Holly, Eric, Christina, Mason and Chloe πŸ’–

Three siblings, Christina, Lori and Michael πŸ’™

Adam and Erin πŸ’™ Adam's headed to Arkansas tomorrow for a much 
needed visit! 

                                              πŸ’™Diane and Jesse

We left there late afternoon and headed to Ken's mom's house for a visit. Denise and Isabella stopped by too, it was nice to see them. Jesse and Diane eventually came too. We didn't stay too long as we don't like driving in the dark. 

Got to the motel and set the alarm for 0345. We wanted to leave about 0600 and were a few minutes late. We went across to Highway 50. The plan was to beat the traffic and expected weather and we were successful with both. 

We got to Gardnerville, NV a little after 0900, picked up prescriptions at Raleys and then to Sharkey's for an early brunch. 

We got home just about 1230. Both of us were tired, so headed inside and took a 2 hour nap. Woke up about 1430, unloaded the car and that was about it. 

Ken started a fire and we just relaxed until bedtime. Well, there was a Happy Hour during that time. LOL. 

Today Ken worked on wood outside most of the day. I cleaned and then started in the bedroom, cleaning drawers, closet and armoire. Time to declutter and get rid of stuff. 

To get this posted, I'm ending it here! LOL. Hopefully another one in the not too distant future! Happy New Year! 


  1. Looks like you had a great Christmas. Happy New Year!

    1. It was wonderful! Happy New Year to you and Patsy! :)

  2. What a thoughtful birthday present! Looks like a good time was had by all.

    1. Thank you! I love it so much! It as wonderful to have special times with the family!

  3. Fun times with lots of family. That's what it's all about!

  4. Good times ....wonderful memories.
