About Me

The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Camping next door, Mason and Chloe visit :) Eric and Christina visit too :) HOT!


Chloe and Mason getting ready to head home! ๐Ÿ’–

Chloe and I enjoyed a couple of Mimosas in the cool Mansion!

Last week we were going camping with John, Karen and family at Walker River State Recreation Area about 1/2 hour from here. We had reservations since March. Well, the heat wave hit so after a little deliberating decided to cancel and stay home but still camp. The campground is nice with water and electrical hookups, but the only swimming water is the river and it was flowing pretty fast. I wouldn't have gone in any way. LOL. 

Wednesday we got the Mansion all packed up and headed next door to a nice water and electrical site that John and Karen have there. Actually, they have 4 spots ready for anytime people want to camp. 

Grandson Mason and his sweetie, Chloe came Wednesday evening for 3 nights. They slept at our house because of air conditioning. Friends Dave and Kenna came too and had the bunkhouse (a/c there too). 

Long story short we had a great time there. Too much partying but hey why not?! Chloe and Mason left about 0700 on Saturday as Mason had to work at 1200. We packed up the trailer and brought stuff home on Sunday, which was our plan at the campground. 

Eric and Chris got us this rug a few years ago. Just too 
pretty to stand on ๐Ÿ˜Š

Izzie, Dave and Kenna. 

Little Millie showing off her skills to Mason 

Round 1 of Conder Ranch bacon, oh so good! 

One night they did a LO BOIL, lots of crab and shrimp. 
Not for me though. Ken loves it but he's allergic to shellfish

Chloe and Mason enjoyed it! 

Chloe and her shadow, Millie 

Papa and Mason 

John, Sally and Karen 

They have a nice 4 foot doughboy so we were able to stay cool by jumping in. Sometimes we came home and enjoyed the stock tank too. 

Sunday Eric and Christina came to spend a few days with us which was nice! Partied here too LOL. Just a nice time with family. 

Eric and Christina getting ready to head home to 
100+ temps there too. 

Today they're at the ocean at Bodega Bay 57degrees! 

They left Tuesday morning to head back to Cool, CA where it's not cool! We've been in the 105-106 area for the last several days. UHHH. 

Bryan and Cheryl decided their chickens needed a bigger coop than what they had. Turned this old shed on their property into a Taj Mahal in Arkansas. 

A little cleaning, paint and fencing. Custom made gate too.
Happy Chickens! 

Chloe sent some pictures from their ride to watch the fireworks in town from 
the mountains. A few more but couldn't get them to download. :(
They went up into the mountains to watch the fireworks
in town. 


Wonder how fast Mason was going here? His curly hair is straight! LOL. 

Grandson Adam called a bit ago and he's been assigned to the Shelly fire in Siskiyou 
County for security.  He's happy about that $$$$. LOL.
Well, Siskiyou no more. He's headed for San Bernardino and the Vista Fire as
Public Information Officer. He could be gone as long as two weeks. 

Well, it's time to head outside with the hubby. It's 104, so it's time for an Ice Cold 
Corona Light. Have a great evening


  1. We just keep the Fans running so we only use the AC once in a while. You guys must be well cooked with those temps.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time

    1. Well cooked as you say! A/C runs a lot and stock tank cools us down!

  2. The heat has been awful ... up to 107 here every day. At least you are having fun with family!! Love some good BOIL!!

  3. Fun times. Mason and Chloe are such a cute couple. I love the braids.

  4. Too cute! camping next door! ♥ Fun times in your neighbourhood.I love your mat and that bacon looks delicious!!
    Try and stay cool, my friends, too hot for us!

    1. Any excuse to camp right?! LOL. Way too hot for us too. Here in Antelope on Friday was 112..yuk
