About Me

The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Monday, May 13, 2024

A wonderful Mother's Day, Aaron and Kenna all dressed up! Couple of days catch up :)

 We've enjoyed being home the last few days.  Ken's working outside most of the days. Yesterday, being Mothers Day we were home enjoying our Champagne Sunday once again. Heard from all my boys and more! 😍

Our handsome grandson Aaron 
and his sweetie, Kenna πŸ’— All
dressed up for her Senior Ball 

Aaron and his dad, Russell

Aaron and mom, Lori

Another of the cute couple! πŸ’™

Later in the afternoon we headed next door as Karen was barbecuing some ribs. We took a couple of appetizers. Nice afternoon and evening. 

The axe throwing game is a hit with young and old alike

John started a fire and that's Karen's mom Izzie 

John and Karen took an old trailer gutted it, resided it, added decking
and now it's 2 extra bedrooms for guests. Turned out
cute! One room will be beachy themed and the other shabby

Today we slept in until 0730. Yesterday was a tough one LOL. The temps are heating up, 85 expected today and it looks like a thunderstorm could be coming this afternoon. 

Paul, Ken and KC at the wedding 
last week. They all used to work 
together 14 years ago. 

Great nephew Phoenix, eating his first moon pie. He turned
15 months on the 11th. πŸ’™

Champagne Sunday and Mother's Day

I was craving pizza, so why not make it cauliflower. 
Oh so yummy! 

Still lots of tumbleweeds! Ken burned a lot today! 

Tomorrow we're headed to Carson City so that'll take most of the day! Lowe's, Walmart, a shop to drop off one of our generators that's leaking. 70 miles one way. The joy of country living! :) 

Heard from Grandson Mason and it looks like he and a couple of friends will be visiting here Memorial Weekend. I invited nephew Jesse and his mom Diane too. 

Have a great evening. 


  1. That old trailer make over is a great idea… very creative!

    1. They've got one more they're going to start, once this is finished.

  2. Very cute couple.
    I like the old trailer idea, I wouldn’t have thought of it.
    Living in the country is all about driving. lol


    1. Thank you! Yes, driving everywhere but worth it!

  3. Cute prom pictures! Sounds like you had a great week. We too have to drive over an hour to get to The Big City. Funny, some people think a 20 minute drive is a long way, while others an hour is pretty common.

  4. Thank you! WE're used to driving everywhere, just have to get as much in as we can! :)

  5. Great prom pics!! And I LOVE that trailer bedroom. What a great idea. Champagne Sunday ... I think I may have to start that up here.

    1. Thank you! The inside is so cute of the trailer. pics to come.

  6. Cute couple for sure. Aaron has sure stretched taller than his parents. 😁
    Love the trailer idea, too.

    1. Thanks Patsy! Yeah both of their boys are really tall! Trailer is cute :)
