About Me

The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

A wonderful weekend with family and friends.

 A fabulous Memorial Day weekend here in Yerington began on Friday afternoon when our son, Eric got here! He brought his Can Am RC to do some riding with the boys that were coming up. 😀

Eric brought me this and a few other goodies. 💕💕

We sat out in the outdoor kitchen area talking and catching up until Mason, Kody, Aiden and Koa arrived later in the evening. A simple dinner of baked chicken and store bought potato and macaroni salad was served. Then back outside the enjoy the late evening. 

Aiden, Cody and Eric 

Koa and Mason 

Saturday morning was breakfast and then around 1000 or so, Diane and Jesse arrived. The festivities continued. They all headed out on a couple of rides during the day. 

Bloody Marys for Ken and Eric, Mimosa for me 😋

1st breakfast was breakfast sandwiches, with egg,
sausage, cheese, bacon just because it's bacon LOL. 
                           hash brown patties too :) 

Biscuits and gravy too! 

Saturday afternoon our friends Matt and Eva came over to spend the night. Ken and Matt worked together for a bit before Ken retired.  Joel and Randi along with a couple of guys stopped by for a visit. 💙 

Jesse, Randi, Diane's back, 

Ice Cream! :) 

Mason, Aiden and Seth
I had a pic of the other two, but didn't turn out

Hamburgers, hot links and fries were served later. 😃 Grandson Seth arrived around 2100 as he had to work. Another late night but fun! 

Mason, Eric and Seth 💙 "Drinking Beer with Dad"🎵🎵
Kid Rock's song was playing on the radio! 💙

Sunday morning after breakfast everyone wanted to go out for a ride. Matt and Eva headed home. Nice that they came out! 

French toast, eggs, sausage bacon and hash browns

Eric was going home so he wanted to get one more in. I decided to tag along and ride with Eric. Those boys can ride! 

Matt and Eva💖

Mason and Kody in our Can AM

Eric, the boys and me in his blue RC 

Eric packed up and headed out. The boys took a rest and then headed out again! They did that a few times over the weekend!

Enchiladas and cole slaw was dinner that night. 

Monday morning after breakfast, the boys packed up and headed home. Sorry to see them go, as they are a pleasure to have! Hopefully they'll be back soon. Weather was perfect this weekend, but summer temps make it way too hot! 

Chocolate Chip Pancakes were on order along with 
eggs, sausage and bacon 

After they left I spent some time cleaning both kitchens haha. Diane and I visited for a few hours while I did that. Ken worked on burning tumbleweeds against the fence that borders John and Karen's property. 

Ken put a ham in the Pit Boss that turned out yummy for dinner. We sat outside until the sun set and then it had cooled off enough we had a nice fire inside the outdoor kitchen. John and Karen drove over for a bit and visited. 

This guy decided to visit last night

About 3 1/2  inches long! No longer exists! 

Our beautiful sunset last night!
Untouched photo! Thanks Jesse! 💙

This morning I cooked inside as it was only Diane and Jesse here for breakfast and they left about 0930. 

 Ken worked on more tumbleweeds, looking so much better now! I got sheets changed on all the beds. Ready for more company now! 😁😁

We've had 2 great weekends in a row. Erin's graduation and now Memorial weekend! So thankful for the the family and friends we have! 

Did you know May 23rd was drink with your chickens day?! I called Cheryl and Karen to tell them LOL. Got these pics off FB. 

Have a great night!! 

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Erin graduated with honors! A great weekend in Chico celebrating her and her brother Brandt! Off to Carson City on Thursday, company is coming!

Love you Erin! So proud! 
She graduated Chico State with honors! 

Saturday morning we left here about 0815 and headed for Chico, CA. We took I 80 (which we don't like, but the fastest way). It was an ok drive with not a lot of traffic which was nice. The GPS got us there no problems and we rolled in right around 1315. 

Adam and Erin met us at the corner and guided us into the property. Perfect! 

Enjoying under the shade trees which are incredibly huge
and  beautiful! Our Mansion in the background, they rented
two trailers for family to stay in, along with some people
tented it! 

Sam and Piper's outdoor kitchen! 

Once we were parked we hugged them and were greeted with hugs by Erin's parents, Piper and Sam. Right away we felt like family! We went up to the party area and were greeted by a whole lot more of their family! Immediately asked if we wanted food, as they had just fed a whole lotta of people. Then Sam got us drinks and we proceeded to mingle and meet more of the Livernois Family!! 

Saturday's group and there were more on Sunday!

The party is all about Erin and Brandt! 💙 

Honestly I've never felt so comfortable with people I've never met. They are just a wonderful group we enjoyed getting to know! Some of us really mixed well! Family and friends from as far as Florida, Chicago, Texas, Arizona and Southern CA all came to celebrate Erin and her brother Brandt's graduation! He graduates June 15th, I believe he said. 

Saturday it was about 90 so we sat by they pool, while
some played in the pool..Adam and Erin 💙

It was amazing to see the love between everyone. They accepted us as family too! 

We had an amazing day and evening. Sam cooked carne asada and carnitas tacos. YUM! 

Sunday morning I got up to "help" Uncle Joe fix breakfast for everyone, but he had it under control! I helped out where I could. 

Uncle Joe, creating his famous breakfast! 

Graduation started about 0900 so the kids and parents left pretty early. We finished up with breakfast and cleaned up before the caterer got there. 

About 1130 every one came back with big smiles on their faces. Sounds like graduation was awesome! 

Everyone visited for awhile and then the caterer came in and set up for Linner. It was great and everyone still was able to visit. 

Erin and her Aunts on her mom's side! 

Adam, Kate and Chandler. Friends from Georgetown when he was
in high school. Now they are in Sacramento and made the trip up
for the day to celebrate Erin! 💖

I love this pic of Erin and her mom, Piper! 

Adam, Erin, Kate and Chandler 💙

Erin and her friend Claire who flew in from Pensacola to 
celebrate Erin's graduation! 💗

Around 1500 or so the band came in to get ready to play! 

Greatly enjoyed! Alot of dancing going on and good times!

Erin and her best friend Emily! 💖

The party continued once they were gone, until when, I'm not sure.  I have to admit, I went into the Mansion to get drinks, came out and then ended up face first 😞 in the gravel. Oh well, I'm fine, more embarrassed than anything. 

Sunday morning, I got up and went outside to see what's going on. Several people were already out with their suitcases as they had planes to catch. A little breakfast and off they went. 

We were ready about 1000 to head home. The drive took about 7 hours this time. There was road construction on highway 20 and interstate 80 so we rolled in just about 1700. Happy Hour next door. 

Honestly, this is the best weekend we've had in forever. Never have we met such a family that had us feeling like family in just a few short minutes. Everyone accepted us immediately and we felt so at home! On top of that they all told us how much they love ADAM and how happy they are together! We couldn't be any more blessed with ERIN! Now we are blessed to have her family! 💖

Erin sent me this picture from  Emily's wedding. Does this not say LOVE!? I so 
love this pic! 

Grand nephew's team won the SUPER
BOWL!! Congrats Owen! 

Allissa went fishing and out fished  Russell! LOL. I think
it's adorable that they go fishing together! 💙


Monday morning we headed to Carson for Ken's echocardiogram. Got that done and then a quick trip to Walmart along with a trip to Lowe's. Thought we should start picking up on fireplace piping for Bryan and Cheryl. They had nothing, so we'll start looking on line and in other stores. October will be here before we know it!!
Thursday we're heading to Carson City to pick up groceries for the weekend as we've got company coming!! 

             Have a great evening everyone! Gotta love family! 💗

Monday, May 13, 2024

A wonderful Mother's Day, Aaron and Kenna all dressed up! Couple of days catch up :)

 We've enjoyed being home the last few days.  Ken's working outside most of the days. Yesterday, being Mothers Day we were home enjoying our Champagne Sunday once again. Heard from all my boys and more! 😍

Our handsome grandson Aaron 
and his sweetie, Kenna 💗 All
dressed up for her Senior Ball 

Aaron and his dad, Russell

Aaron and mom, Lori

Another of the cute couple! 💙

Later in the afternoon we headed next door as Karen was barbecuing some ribs. We took a couple of appetizers. Nice afternoon and evening. 

The axe throwing game is a hit with young and old alike

John started a fire and that's Karen's mom Izzie 

John and Karen took an old trailer gutted it, resided it, added decking
and now it's 2 extra bedrooms for guests. Turned out
cute! One room will be beachy themed and the other shabby

Today we slept in until 0730. Yesterday was a tough one LOL. The temps are heating up, 85 expected today and it looks like a thunderstorm could be coming this afternoon. 

Paul, Ken and KC at the wedding 
last week. They all used to work 
together 14 years ago. 

Great nephew Phoenix, eating his first moon pie. He turned
15 months on the 11th. 💙

Champagne Sunday and Mother's Day

I was craving pizza, so why not make it cauliflower. 
Oh so yummy! 

Still lots of tumbleweeds! Ken burned a lot today! 

Tomorrow we're headed to Carson City so that'll take most of the day! Lowe's, Walmart, a shop to drop off one of our generators that's leaking. 70 miles one way. The joy of country living! :) 

Heard from Grandson Mason and it looks like he and a couple of friends will be visiting here Memorial Weekend. I invited nephew Jesse and his mom Diane too. 

Have a great evening.