About Me

The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Friday, August 4, 2023

Visiting with our kids, Cardiology appointment for Ken, Home

Bryan went to say good bye to his grandma (Ken's mom)
I love this picture ๐Ÿ’–

๐Ÿ˜ Monday, July 31st we left home and headed over the hill to drop off the box of things that were left here during Russell's birthday party. First though we stopped in Lincoln to see Bryan and Cheryl to see how the packing was coming. I hate moving and certainly don't envy them. 

 Adam and Erin were there too along with Renette. Cheryl's sister Kim stopped by for a short visit. It's been years since we saw her so that was a nice added surprise! 

Adam holding Daisy, Ken, Me, Cheryl, Bryan, Erin, Kim and Raider๐Ÿ’™

Erin, Adam, Ken, Cheryl, Bryan, Kim and Renette ๐Ÿ’™

California traffic and an accident made us about an hour 

Diane was visiting too ๐Ÿ˜

They invited us for dinner so we visited and had a great dinner of tri tip, a delicious corn salad that Erin made and hot links. 

We left there and headed for Russell and Lori's home where we spent the night. Aaron is in Cabo for his graduation trip with friends. Poor kid๐Ÿ˜‚  We had an enjoyable visit with them as always. 

Tuesday morning I made Russell and egg mc muffin and we visited before he had to leave for work. We got ourselves ready and headed out. Stopped at Edelweiss for a wonderful breakfast in Auburn. 

We crossed the canyon and hit highway 50 to the Sly Park exit and took Immigrant Trail to Highway 88. Ken had borrowed a star wrench from our friend KC so we returned it to his trailer that is parked up there for the summer. Beautiful drive! 

Silver Lake, CA.  We used to camp there all the time when
our kids were young 

Caples Lake 

By the time we got to Gardnerville our breakfast had worn off so we stopped at Sharkey's for linner. Then we headed home. 

Wednesday morning it was again time to head out. This time to Carson City and Ken's cardiologist appointment. 

He noticed a few months ago that he was getting more winded than he should be, he had a lung doctor appointment and he ordered an echocardiogram. There have been some negative changes since last year, so he said to try and move the appointment up that was scheduled for later in the month of August. The 2nd was the soonest he get. 

We met the new PA Jennifer McCord, as it looks like Ken's dr will be retiring. We immediately liked her. She explained some things and did an EKG in the office which showed he was in AFIB (irregular heartbeat). She's scheduled some tests and a heart monitor. She changed his bp med and added Eliquis for the AFIB and Lasix for swelling. We feel very confident that she will take good care of him!  

She gave us the ok to head for Arkansas with some cautions for him. 

We headed to Gardnerville to pick up his new meds. About got the shock of our lives when they had filled the Eliquis prescription of over $500 for a month after our insurance paid! Luckily she gave us samples for the first month and hopefully we can get it cheaper through another program. 

While there we again had linner, but at CVI this time. About the only place I can get a turkey burger ๐Ÿ˜ Then home we came!

Thursday and Friday were days at home which is always nice. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Movers were scheduled for Bryan and Cheryl today, haven't heard yet how that went. Sunday we'll go over and get the truck and we'll have company for a few days before leaving for Arkansas๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

Have a great evening! Happy hour coming up! 


  1. Try Good RX or Amazon to get your meds cheaper. My brother uses Good RX for his potassium because it is a lot cheaper there. He is on Eliquis too but I don’t know where he gets that from. Good luck.

    1. In checking Good RX the least expensive is 479.00. Potassium we only paid $1.95 for 3 months so that's good. We don't qualify for the Eliquis program that helps pay for it, so we are kinda stuck in the middle. We're not poor enough but we're not rich enough to be able to afford it monthly either :((

  2. Definitely download Good RX to your phone. I've used it and saved a bunch!! Such beautiful country ... I used to horse camp at Silver Lake. As always, great family pictures!!

    1. Yep love Silver lake and you can see the above comment about Good RX. :(

  3. You drove from Auburn thru the canyon, Immigrant Gap, Hwy. 88, Silver Lake. Gorgeous country. We haven't been to those areas in many years. But I have good memories! Good luck funding a better price for the meds. There has to be a way to get a better price. Take care!

    1. It is beautiful. So far no luck in better pricing :(

  4. Sounds like the commentors know where to get cheaper meds. I hope they help Ken.
