About Me

The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Welcome home Jacob! An emotional morning! Historic Branson, The Runaway Coaster and Heroe's for linner!

I had to post this first! Welcome home Jacob!!💙
Allissa sent me this as I was getting ready to post this blog! 

 We woke up this morning knowing today was the day our grandson, Jacob was coming into port in San Diego. I started looking on the webcam about 0600 their time (of course it was dark). He's been on the USS Theordore Roosevelt for the last 9 months (extended deployment because of problems in the Middle East). 

I got a message from Allissa and brought the webcam up. We were hooked after that! Pretty amazing to watch without being there! Of course I'm thinking about Russell, Lori and Allissa being there watching and waiting for the ship to come in and for Jacob to get off that ship! Yeah, pretty emotional morning! 😊😭 

Ken's brother Don sent me this pictures from the webcam. Thank you! 💙

I am so proud of that boy and all the other Sailors and Marines that serve our country! 💙

I did hear from Russell that they got him off the ship! 💙

So once we knew the ship was in port we got ourselves ready to head to downtown Branson and a little window shopping. It's a busy little place! WE walked around and into stores (pretty much the same stuff). Went into Dave's 5 and 10 store. We did get a new ornament for our tree. 

Busy busy busy!! 

Around 1330 we headed for the Runaway Coaster. Paid our money (20.00 a person) and got on our little coasters. 5 min trip to the top of the mountain and then you are in control of your little cart on the rails. Woohoo! Downhill and thrilling! I don't need to do it again though! Some parts were scary as you think you need to slow down, but then you feel like you're going to fall out of the cart, so you have to speed up! LOL. We both enjoyed it! 

Don't have any pictures, as they want you to buy theirs. 

After that we headed to Heroes Family Restaurant Tastes and Taps. We loved the name and what it represented. Tributes to our Heroes! Does it get any better!? 

There was a Navy section, but I didn't want to make the people 
move LOL. Just kidding. So no pictures of that. 

I wanted a couple of beer glasses but none for sale :(

Service was great and food was awesome! For a touristy place not bad priced either! 

We're back at the campground for Happy Hour. Tomorrow we'll start heading home. Not a bad place to be either!

Today I am so PROUD to be an American! So proud of our grandson Jacob! It was amazing to see the ship come in and to see all those service men and women manning the rails coming into port. Reminds me so much of when Russell came in in 98 and 2000. Those memories never leave you. I am so happy for Russell, Lori and Allissa getting to spend some time with him. Welcome home Jacob! We love you! 💙💙

Have a wonderful night! 

Monday, October 14, 2024

Time with Bryan and Cheryl, on to TN and a little time with Don, Dana and Jennifer, back to Bryan's and now Branson, MO. Special gifts


A special gift from Bryan and Cheryl 💙
Their neighbor Mike used to make and sell these. 
Bryan had him make this for us 💗 More gifts too. 
We are spoiled! 

Mike sent this over to us earlier in the week! Yes, he made 
this too! 💅

We spent Friday October 4th at the Welcome Center in Arkansas. Took our time getting ready and got to Bryan's house early afternoon on Saturday. Just enjoyed our afternoon and evening chatting and doing a lot of front porch sitting! Cheryl made an amazing dinner that's our favorite so that was great! 

The girls are always looking for treats! 

When they bought last year the house was all white, Cheryl
painted and Bryan made the shutters! 

Raider, he's such a sweetie! 

Cheryl's plants are just flourishing!! 

Sunday was another day of relaxing. Enjoyed the warmth and some more front porch sitting, along with our Champagne Sunday 🥂🍾 We did go see my sister Wendy's house. She probably won't be there until August but it was nice to see in person. It's adorable and I hope she'll be happy there! Very glad it's in the same town as Bryan and Cheryl! 

Monday was a day of work for Ken and Bryan until about 1530 and then Happy Hour. The stove pipe was coming along. 

Tuesday, Cheryl and I ran to the local consignment store that I really like. Didn't spend much but got some nice wine glasses for fall. 4 for $5.00 sold. 

When we got back Ken was on the roof of the porch cutting the hole in for the stove pipe! Bottom line, at the end of the day the wood stove and piping was done. Looks great, can't wait for them to have a fire! 

Cheryl handing Ken some tools he needed 

The stove pipe is finished! 

Finished on the inside! 

Thursday morning we left Bryan's and headed for Ken's brother Don's  house in Tennessee. We left Saturday morning after a great time. Friday we  were able to visit with our niece Jennifer and see the home she bought a few years ago. 

So much food and sooo delicious! 

Jennifer's truck Bo! Eric named it. RAM BO..lol. 

Her back deck...

From left, Jenn's daughter Bella, her friend Sadie, Jennifer,
Uncle Ken and her dad Don 💙

Jenn has the best front porch!! 

Don and Dana have 70 beautiful acres in Middle Tennessee

All too soon it was time to say goodbye on Saturday. we stopped in Forrest City, Arkansas about 1600 and had a great early dinner at a Mexican restaurant. Got back to Bryan's about 1830. 

This plate was huge! Leftovers for dinner tonight! 

Sunday of course was Champagne Sunday which Ken and I enjoyed. We made cauliflower pizza in the Mansion and it turned out awesome! The oven does a great job! 

Ken had oysters and olives, I had turkey lunch meat and 
green chiles so yum! 


This morning after breakfast we said our goodbyes and plan on seeing them again in April of 2025. Hopefully we'll be moving my sister out on that visit! 

We had about a 150 mile drive today to Branson, Missouri where we're at Ozark Country Campground. It's a Passport America camp and it's really nice! We're here for 2 nights. There are several PA campgrounds, but this is the only one that allows campers for October. Would definitely stay here again! 

We got set up and then took a drive into town. Busy place and of course touristy. Tomorrow we'll head for the historic district and play tourist. 

There she is! 💗

Downtown Branson 

Russell and Lori left for San Diego this morning. Grandson Jacob comes back from a 9 month deployment soon! I know they are excited for that to happen as we all are! I know Allissa is so excited to start their life together!  We're hoping to watch it on the San Diego webcam! 💗 So PROUD of you Jacob! 

Well, it's time to wrap this up. Have a great evening! 🍺🍷

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Eric visits, Lee Canyon for the night, Holbrook, AZ, Big Texan that wasn't :(

 I always have good intentions of getting this blog published, but then life happens and it doesn't. LOL. 

Last Saturday Eric came over and brought things for us to take to Bryan's and some for Ken. Now we can say that Shawn's wishes have been carried out. Shawn ( My sister's husband) passed away in Feb of 2023. He wanted his guns and ammo and safe to be divided between the Kay boys and now that has happened. 💙

Ken and I had Champagne Saturday watching college football and had low carb cauliflower pizza for our brunch before Eric got there. I had plenty of lunch meat for Eric to make him a sandwich. 😋

We certainly enjoyed our time with Eric even though it was only for one night. 

Sunday morning after a nice fire and breakfast Eric left for home. Working people you know?! 

Saturday morning fire..


Sunday morning breakfast with a nice fire and Eric in 
the background 💙

Changed out my curtains to Fall ones 🍁🍂

Our kindergarten artwork 😂😂

Saturday morning 

Monday morning fire, as I wanted one for our last day home
for awhile. 

Monday morning sunrise...

So, I was a bad girl and had a few glasses of champagne, can't let it go flat right?! LOL. A nice day was had for sure! 

Monday morning, time to get things packed and made for the trip to Arkansas. Ken barbecued chicken and I made egg salad for sandwiches for him. Patsy, I know you make egg salad for Bill, but in 52 years of marriage I've never made them! Ken made the comment he loves them. OK, guess his mom made them. She doesn't remember. Karen, next door makes the egg salad and so I copied hers. Yeah, he's a happy camper! Egg burritos for the road too. 

Tuesday morning we left around 0900. We weren't in a hurry as we knew where we were going to stop before going through Vegas. 

Had a great evening and night at Lee Canyon turn off. There's a great boon docking site there. 

A little uphill but the right way for our heads

A beautiful sunset at Lee Canyon turnoff...


One reason it's a trip..lol. The goods travel on the bed during
the day

Night time they get moved to the dinette..😁

Wednesday morning we got up, had breakfast burritos  and headed out. We got through Vegas at about 1100 which was perfect for the drive. Ended our drive in Holbrook AZ at the KOA which we've stayed at several times in our lifetime. 

This morning our goal was Amarillo, TX.  We drove 539 miles to The Big Texan Steak House. Our plan was to park in the back, which we did. We wanted to have dinner there, so we waited until after 2000 their time (1800 our tummy time). OH MY GOSH. The place was packed with people and a huge waiting line! NOPE not happening. We've been here several times, but always for lunch! Dinner is crazy! Luckily we have our own food in the Mansion so that was dinner. Honestly, both of us were disappointed but not waiting forever to give away our money. Next time, LUNCH! 

Tomorrow our goal is the Arkansas State Line Rest Area on I 40 for the night. 435 miles and next day is 163 to Bryan's. This has been a trip/mission rather than a vacation. We're hoping the way home will be a vacation, but again we have a deadline to be home. Looking forward to getting Bryan's wood stove hooked up and seeing them! 😁

Jacob will be home later this month, so I know his parents and Allissa are super excited for him to dock in San Diego. We are too, even though we won't be there to see him come in. It's been a long almost 9 months. 

Aaron left today to see his sweetie Kenna in Alabama for a few days. Super excited for them to get to spend some time together since she left for college. 

Russell, Lori, John and Andrea made a quick trip to Orange County (southern CA) to get a donation of beer from a brewery. There's an awesome event going on in Sacramento called I Can Fight Cancer Brewfest. Steve put it together, we've known and loved him since high school. It's going to be amazing with 35 breweries pouring! 

Congratulations on a wonderful event on Saturday! I know it's going to be a great success and benefit! 💗💙


Have a good night. One more glass of wine and it's bedtime! Have a great one!