About Me

The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Monday, April 4, 2016

Hanging around the house...

Just enjoying being home and working on the tin outside.  The weather is really nice here lately.  The only thing that screws it up is those pesky gnats!  Can't wait until they're gone.  

Yesterday, Ken talked with our neighbor, Joe.  Joe is big into mining and owns a couple of claims in NV.  His newest one is in Hawthorne, just about an hour from here.  So Ken took a few hours off working around here and went with Joe to see what it was all about.  He really enjoyed himself, and after all the work he's done around here lately, he deserved a few hours to enjoy with Joe.  

I worked on the tin, and finally it's looking to the point that I'm satisfied with how it is turning out.  We were commenting the other day in Lowe's that because it's so popular to age the tin, we don't know why they don't manufacture it that way!  I'd pay more not to have to do it!  Oh well, guess I can look at it and say "I did that"...

We bought a little one gallon sprayer the other day, to hold us over until the pull behind gets here, so after Ken got back he used that and sprayed some of the weeds near the house.  

I started another small project in the afternoon.  We had two big wall hanging cabinets in the bathroom, decided to only put one back up as we don't want to hide the wall once its done.  So decided to "shabby chic" the cabinet..hard to get used to just throwing some paint on rather than being perfect..haha..

The cabinet...before 
one of the doors..
1st coat..will have 3 coats and colors before it's done

and one of the doors..In my mind it's going to look great..so we'll see...

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