About Me

The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

And more work on the RUDB!!

The beginning of the day went wayyyyyy too quickly.  Ken suggested (and I loved it) that we put tin on the top of the vanity.  Well, that would make it old looking and we were talking about that anyway for a table top for a cabinet we're putting in the bunkhouse (next project).  So let's get on the internet and find where we can purchase tin, or galvanized metal or something to the fact..couple of hours later I am so frustrated I can't stand it!  Looking for a piece that's 3x5 foot..should be easy...NOT!  Found places in the east that will cut and send..so for $26.00 I could get a piece, then you do the shipping cost's and it's $167.00 just for shipping...are you kidding me!!???  That's not happening!  

We made a few calls and found a place on Florin Perkins Road in Sacramento that has something..not sure we'll like it but if we can't find anything we'll take a look at it.  Uhhhhh!!!  Maybe try Lowe's and see if they can special order something.  But now that we've talked about this, I don't want to do tile anymore...enough about that!  

So when I got done with that..went out back and worked on a little project, which I love!  We got this when we were in TN a few years ago.  
Flowers and flower boxes ..these boxes daddy made back
when we were kids..love them..
They were red..but I like the contrast with the dry paintbrush method

Then I did some work on the vanity.  Painted lightly 3 different colors, then later today I will sand it lightly and brush on, brush off stain..so we'll see.  
What it looked like before

At the end of the date

Ken worked in the RUDB taking the marllite crap off the walls..that stuff is nasty!  He wore his particle mask as that dust is horrible ..why anyone would use that stuff is beyond me..but he got it gone!  He put up the rest of the concrete board above the tub..and before you know it the day is gone! 

After the marlite is off..

He put the paneling on the bottom of the vanity wall..I'll paint it today
with the open concept of the vanity..you'll be able to see the wall..

It appears at one time they had a recessed medicine cabinet..we plan on getting a surface mount  cabinet.  That wall should be shiplap when it's finished..

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