About Me

The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Great seeing Clif...and this morning we're on our way!

Clif got here about 0930 on Tuesday..I made him breakfast and we sat and talked for a few hours.  He and Ken headed off to BLM for a bit of shooting.  Cliff brought some silhouette targets so they shot one of them up!  Good times for the boys! haha

After they got back we headed up to the Anaconda mine site to recreate a picture from a few years ago and then back home to get ready for some bar b qued chicken.  
Ken and Clif

Ken and me

We sat outside till dark and then came in for a later dinner than we had planned but it was delicious.  

Clif took us out to breakfast at Dini's...omg that was soo good but so bad!  They had biscuits, gravy and two eggs for $2.99 but it was 2 huge biscuits and the gravy was outstanding!  Figured there would be no lunch for sure!  We said good bye to Clif and he headed to CA and we headed to Reno to pickup the Jayco tire, amazing it was done!  When the right people get on it, surprising what can happen!  

Got that done, went by Walmart and got me a new sewing machine, scissors and a sharpener (never had one of those before)...Thanks Ken!! 

So by the time we got our errands done, we just happened to pass the Carson Valley Inn at 1256...hmmm..well can't do that at lunchtime, so Ken pulled in and we had a great lunch (I brought half my sandwich home for dinner, but neither of us could eat dinner)...way too much food for the day..

In talking, we're headed for Great Basin NP today.  Well, probably Ely today. It'll give us a few days in the park, as I want to be home next Thursday so I can head to CA on Friday.  Time is sure flying.  Up and at em this morning to get ready to get out of here.  

Our beautiful sunset last night!

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