About Me

The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Quick catch up...Adam and Erin visit, Reno, Rio Linda, Gardnerville. New stairs and new truck for Russell :)

 Well, I have no idea where the time has gone since the last post! I'll start with last weekend though when Adam and Aaron came to visit us on Sunday. 

They didn't get here until the evening as Adam had to work. They came in two different cars as Erin would be leaving here on a 3 1/2 week trip by herself. Sounds like quite an adventure to us. She will hit the Tetons, Glacier, Canada and then over toward the west. Adam has vacation starting the 18th so I am sure they'll meet up somewhere before heading home. Oh to be young again! 😋

Adam and Erin 

Enjoying the pups next door 

Erin's car is set up for camping! 

Bye Erin! Safe travels!!

We had a nice couple of days with them before they both headed out. She on Tuesday and he on Wednesday morning to go to work. 

Ken's new project was making some front steps. Ever since we moved in we've had a wheelchair ramp out front. Didn't bother us any, except in the summer it bothered me as underneath at the front is where the lizards hung out (ewww). So, after 11 1/2 years it's looking pretty ghetto. Either needs replacement or torn apart and steps made. Guess what?! I won, steps! YAY! LOL. 

They are looking pretty good and now need painting (my job) it's so hot though I'm waiting for a cool down. Soon though. 

Coming along nicely..

Nothing else really new. We've made a trip to Reno for Total Wine and a few other stops. 

Friday Ken headed over to Rio Linda to pick up another load of firewood from our friend KC. I took the time and went grocery shopping in Gardnerville. 

Yesterday Ken worked on a project for Karen. Our little town is having a contest for the businesses in town. I forget the actual theme but has some thing to do with country. Ken built the frames and put the shower curtains on the frame so they could be in the front of Karen's shop, NOT JUST CANDLES. Pretty cute I think. 

Karen's storefront 

Tuesday we will take the cargo trailer with the Can Am out to Silver Springs. Meeting up with friends for the Best in the Desert Races (Vegas to Reno). We do this every year. Last year we missed as we were on our way to Arkansas moving Bryan and Cheryl. Wednesday morning we'll head over with the Mansion and spend a few days for fun with friends! 😃

Last year we were headed to Arkansas

Today was Champagne Sunday so we enjoyed that before going to Karen's shop to get the things put up. No pictures of brunch but was delicious. Salmon burger for him, turkey burger for me along with a few fries. YUM! 

A nice morning with my sweetie!

Yesterday's news, youngest son Russell got himself a new 2024 GMC Duramax truck. Talked with him last night and he's a happy camper! 

Think he's happy!! 

Allissa sent me a link to her's and Jacob's  first home in San Diego. It's beautiful (should be for the price) LOL She moves on the 22nd and still no word on when he comes home as the Navy has extended his deployment. 😢 Hopefully soon! 💙

Well, that's about it I think. 

Quite the picture in the Tetons! 

Have a great evening. Gonna check and see what the hubby is up to! 


  1. You've had a busy but good time. Love the new steps, maybe one day you will need a ramp but not at such a young age!! ♥♥♥

  2. Congratulations to Allissa and Jacob's new house, hope he is home soon.

  3. Nice to be able to travel when you are young.
    Ken did a good job on the steps.
    When troops are deployed, it's not easy to know when they'll return.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  4. Nothing more exciting than a new house! Congrats to the kids!! And congrats to YOU on the steps!!
