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The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Happy Birthday Russell! Spending time with Aaron. Happy 6th Cassidy. Family time :)

 Last Friday morning I left home to meet up with Russell and Lori for a late breakfast/brunch at the Donner Lake Kitchen. The plan was for 1100. Russell and Lori got there early and I was on a good schedule to get there early until road construction on I 80 right before the turnoff. I still made it pretty much on time. We enjoyed a good breakfast and a good drink with it. Russell and Lori were on their way to North Shore Lake Tahoe to meet up with friends for the weekend and to celebrate his 46th birthday. 😱 How is my baby 46??!!! 

Happy Birthday Russell! 💗

An awesome screwdriver 

I headed down the hill to stay at Russell and Lori's house for the weekend. Ken took his truck and trailer and headed for our friend KC's house to get a huge load of firewood for the winter. 

I stopped at Walmart for a little shopping and ended up at Russell's nearing 1600. I made some enchiladas and coleslaw for dinner. Kenna got there later and enjoyed some too. Strawberries, whipped cream and pound cake for dessert. 

Saturday morning after french toast, eggs and bacon for Aaron and Kenna, Ken left and I headed out. Had some shopping to do and then visited with my sister Linda and then to Grandma's. Before you know it the day was done! 

I've had this picture for awhile. Our nieces visited Ken's mom
when they were up on vacation. Jennifer, Samantha, Grandma 
and Zoey..💗

Jesse and Grandma 

I tried to wait up for Aaron but by 2200 I was done. LOL.

Sunday morning I ran to Raley's before Aaron got up. Breakfast sandwiches were on the menu. Little Cassidy, our great niece was having her 6th birthday party so headed over there around 1100. A great afternoon was had by all.


Friends having fun! 

Tasha and Phoenix 

Miss Cassidy turns 6! 

Owen and Jesse 

Allissa came back to Russell's and we ordered door dash and mexican food. Aaron got home nearing 2200 and we were up until near 1230. Late night. 

Monday morning we planned on pancakes, bacon and eggs for breakfast. Allissa was a little late  but that's just fine! I left for home about 1130. It seemed like an long ride home but that's the way it goes sometimes. 

We've been home other than a trip to Raley's in town. Hot! 

I marinated some chicken and veggies for dinner tonight so this morning we decided on Champagne Thursday (or as it's called Thirsty Thursday). Made some individual pizzas on low carb tortilla shells and then I cooked up a mess of dinner. It will be yummy I'm thinking. 

Low carb pizza 

Chicken thighs, breasts and veggies :)

Been looking online for a house in Arkansas for my sister Wendy when she retires next year. Bryan and Cheryl went and looked at one today, which just may be it. :) It's only about 5 miles from where they live which would be perfect! We shall see! :) 

Our grandson Jacob's ship. Out in the thick of it all. Lots of prayers going up! 

Heading upon 1700 which means Happy Hour! Have a good evening! 


  1. Happy Birthday Russel! My daughter turned 49 this year and I am positive someone mixed up the birth dates! haha
    Good times and good food in those pictures. I don't know how I'd cook those pizzas with no oven....but on tortillas, I'd be willing to try. :) Yum.
    That ship is huge, Jacob must be so proud!

    1. Thank you! You could cook them in a fry pan, put lid on and cook slowly. We are so proud of Jacob and all the crew on that ship! :)

  2. Happy Birthday to your Baby🥳💥
    You are both busy, busy people and your cooking
    all the time! Hope your family knows how blessed
    they are. I think they must !
    Linda a.

  3. I love to see family celebrations. Happy Birthday Russell!! It was hot hot when I went through your area headed to Salt Lake City. Not sure how you stand that traffic!! Stay cool ... I don't think it's over yet.

    1. That's why we live in Yerington, we don't have the traffic! LOL. It's HOT! I'll be heading over the hill to Sacramento area tomorrow.

  4. Hee hee...my baby turned 50 in June...yikes! Great family pictures.

  5. Looks like everyone enjoyed Happy Birthdays. Our kids are between 57 and 45.
    Think I might try your low Carb Pizzas.
    That's a big ship that Jacob is on. Keeping our prayers going for a Peaceful resolution, to all that's going on over there.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. I think you'd love the low carb pizzas! Thank you Rick!
