About Me

The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Helping Karen move from store to store, Babysitting the furry kids next door, Cargo Trailer is on the lot!

 Time is sure flying by here in Nevada! We've been home mostly. Last week I spent 3 days helping Karen to close up her shop and get things over to the new shop down the street. Ken actually spent 4 days. You don't realize how much stuff you have until you're moving. We made several trips filling our car hauler with inventory. The new shop is larger and right on Main Street, so definitely will be a good move for her. 

Loved this picture with the dark clouds in the background 
Not today though

One of many loads 

We wanted to get her done by Saturday so she could head over to California with John for the week. She'll have the week to relax with him until the real work begins this Monday. 

We are baby sitting the hairy kids for the week. 😊

Yesterday we went to Reno (Total Wine Run) and Carson City. We stopped by the trailer place to get a better idea of when our cargo trailer would be in. They said it's on a trailer in Utah waiting for a truck. We're thinking another week or two. Got a nice surprise this afternoon, they called and said it's on the lot!! Going tomorrow to pick it up! 

Went by our favorite little vintage and collectible store and picked up a few things, even one little Christmas gift. Dollar Tree because I wanted a few things to put in the outdoor kitchen, Fall related. 

Ordered this material to make curtains for the outdoor 
kitchen, turned out cute :) 

Guess I'm ready for Fall even though the temps aren't 
quite there yet! 

Linner and then home to spend some time with Mugsy and Lila. We were planning on staying ever other night, but they're so sad when we leave and so excited when we come over that we're staying every night and then going home in the am. Definitely not a hardship LOL. 

Ken's mom has been ill for the last several days and went to dr. Looks like she has pneumonia. Ken talked to her today and she sounded better, so thinking the meds are working. Love you Grandma and you're in our prayers. 🙏 💖

Adam and Erin went to Oregon this last weekend for a concert and he sent me these pictures from there. 

Adam and Erin 💙

Beautiful river near Bend, Oregon

Love this pic of Erin, not only is she naturally pretty
She's just as sweet 💗 and she Loves my grandson💙

We're next door and I've got an anxious puppy that wants in my lap, so I'll sign off for now! Have a wonderful evening, I know we will. 🍸🍺🐕🐶


  1. I love the material for the curtains. I almost bought a fall decoration but stopped myself. I have fall decorations. I just have to find them. I love Erin's eyes. She's a natural beauty.

    1. Thank you! When she stays here, I'll always say "how can you look so pretty getting out of bed?" LOL.

  2. Oh yes, I know the "moving" thing quite well! Love that fabric ... perfect for your outdoor kitchen, along with the fall decorations. It makes everything look happy!!

    1. Yes, you sure do know about moving!! :) Thank you, looking forward to getting it done out there

  3. That curtain material is so cute, perfect choice.
    Moving, not so fun. I don't like packing up but i do like setting up in a new place. Good luck on her new venue location!

    I'm sort of like Elva, i have about 4 pcs of fall stuff but barely have room for those!

  4. I don't have any room in the house for much fall decorations, that's why these are gong for the outdoor kitchen. :) Thank you!

  5. Glad Ken's Mom is improving, and Karen's move is going well.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
