About Me

The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Friday, May 29, 2020

Garden work, Kayaks on the truck and off again...Congratulations Mason!!

Well here's to the second time writing this post. Got lost somewhere! Couldn't even find it in history! 

Forced myself out of bed this morning at about 0600 and turned on the coffee. Once that was done we did our usual visiting with friends online to see what everyone has been up to these days! 

After breakfast we headed outside to the garden area. Time to stake the tomatoes as they are really growing! The rest of plants seem to be doing well other than the fresno chilies they haven't died, but they haven't taken off yet so we'll see.  We moved the plants over that were in pots, figuring they'll have to be watered by the irrigation system if we're on vacation.  We put the spinach plants in the garden area and the others just outside. Ken put up chicken wire around them to keep the varmints out! Next he'll just have to figure out the irrigation system. The timer works wonderfully so that's good to know. 

I love the way they're growing! 

Luckily Ken was the one to see this one out by a tree in the driveway...
Neighbors think I scream loud now...Never seen one like this here!

Oh that tail..Like half lizard half snake! See why I don't like summers here!!

Ken cutting suckers on the tree..

Another one trimmed..

My garden after he added pots and chicken wire

Once we finished that little project he set about trimming suckers from some of the trees so hopefully they'll get more water and the real part of the tree will fill in.  I decided to play in the water a bit and used the hose and brush on the front porch. Then the patio area. Took the hula hoe and used that for a few minutes, but it was just too hot. Time for a shower! 

Tuna fish sandwich for Ken and 1/2 a tuna wrap for me for lunch. Perfect on a hot afternoon. We decided on tacos for dinner so all I have to heat up is the shells and beans, the rest of the stuff is now ready! 

Ken went out to where the kayaks are and put them on the pipe rack just to see what it'll take to make them ride correctly when we go. Looking at them makes me want to go! It's 97 right now but weather is changing for the weekend. Much cooler. State Parks opened today for camping so we're ready! LOL. 
He's got one on..

Now both are on..now they're both in the garage. He just wanted to
have a plan 😎

Last time Mason was here he was talking about a truck that he wanted to buy from a friend when the friend was ready to sell it. Eric and Mason went to look at it a few days ago and last night they brought it home! The truck was owned since 1981 by one owner until he passed away, then Mason's friend bought it at an estate sale. Talk about excited, Mason certainly is! Don't we all remember how excited we were to get our first car! Wish I still had mine! 

He messaged me pictures so I am sharing Mason's first truck! He's fifteen and is eligible to get his permit at the end of July and his license end of January! It'll be here before you know it! 

1979 Dodge D50..manual transmission

Clean little truck

I'm sure there's some new seat covers in the future..

Door panels are in great shape!

Passenger side view..nice

Congratulations Mason!! 

Happy Hour time! Have a great evening! 

Thursday, May 28, 2020

A visit to Lake Lahontan, NV. Walmart and heat today!

Yesterday morning after we finished visiting with our blogging friends and seeing what's going on with them I asked the question "So, what's on the agenda for today?" Ken said "I'm thinking we need to take a picnic lunch and head for Lake Lahonton to see where we can put the kayaks in for the future". Ok, sounds good to me! I know, never seen me to turn down a drive somewhere.  

We did a few things around here and loaded the Patriot with chairs, food and refreshment.  Lake Lahontan is only a little over 30 minutes from here which is nice. Last few years it's been absolutely beautiful and filled with water! 

They have 2 entrances so we started with the closest one. What a beautiful drive and the families that were out were having a blast in the water.  We found two beaches that we like beach, 5 and 9.  
Lake Lahontan, Silver Springs NV

Then we headed over to other entrance that's off highway 50.  We found a nice beach but ended up eating in the car as it was so warm outside, about 92 degrees. Next beach we pulled the chairs out, found a nice shade tree and enjoyed a drink in the shade.  There were lots of families there too.  They do have campgrounds (which will be free to us) and you usually can camp anywhere you find a spot. Of course, right now is day use only.  We did hear on the way home the state parks are opening Friday. Yahoo!  We won't be going on the weekends, as we have that choice being retired. We will be there soon though! Can't wait to get the kayaks in the water 😀😀  The weather will be incredible this weekend so I'm thinking the beaches will be very busy.  They say only 50% capacity, so it'll be interesting to see how they figure that out, with miles and miles of shoreline. 

After watching people, boats, kayaks and kids we headed ourselves home.  Ken was going to be barbecuing dinner later.  We sat outside in the shade of the porch and enjoyed the late afternoon and early evening. It was a great day! 

Nice beaches..

Pork and chicken turned out wonderful! I had made mashed potatoes for Ken earlier in the day so along with an ear of corn for him and green beans for me dinner was delicious.  

Today  we awoke about 0600 after having the back door open, window open and fan going all night long! Decided a trip to Walmart for some groceries was necessary.  Yesterday we also decided we needed some water shoes for the beach. Walmart had them so we each got a pair.  

Ken picked up a timer for the garden so we'll see how that works.  We were talking about going somewhere for a week or thereabouts and I don't want to ask Karen to water that long for us. She'd do it in a heartbeat but still.. The only problem about having trees and a garden, it ties you to it.  The trees can go about 10 days, but not the garden. 🌼🌱🌞. It's actually looking pretty good, so would like to keep it that way! Don't know exactly when we'll be able to get away as Ken has a couple of appts next week and the following Tuesday I have my bi yearly in Winnemucca. He has one more later that week and we're done! 

I took lunch with us again so we enjoyed it under a shade tree at Wilson Canyon. A few people there, playing in the water but it'll be crazy this weekend i'm sure. 

Unloaded the groceries and the air conditioners going it's 96 degrees outside. Hoping it cools off enough we can enjoy the evening outside.  Tomorrow's forecast calls fo 98 and then it cools off to the 70's for a few days then up in the mid 80's. 

Have a great evening! 

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Crowds in Wilson Canyon..bunkhouse is done, shelves.. heat!

Happy 23rd Anniversary Russell and Lori!

Russell and Lori, May 24th 1997
Both 18 years old...

Saturday morning we slept in until 0600 or so.  Took our time getting ready and then headed out around 1000.  We made a trip to Gardnerville and had a quick visit to Walmart for a few groceries.  
Wilson Canyon...people just want to camp!

This is an ATV area near Wilson Canyon..never have we seen so many
happy campers!

More people!

ATVS, dirt bikes just too much fun!

The rest area across from the above pictures..

I ran into Raley's to pick up Ken's blood pressure meds and then we headed to Carson City and Lowe's.  I swear everyone from the city was there! It's funny, Lowe's doesn't monitor how many people go in and out of the store. Everyone's welcome.  Home Depot in another part of town, counts everyone in and out and if there's too many you have to wait in line, which we won't do. Lowe's gets our business. 

Once we finished picking up our 3 gallons of stain and looking for a new fire pit (which they didn't have) we headed out to find somewhere to eat our lunch I had packed at home. 

Well, we ended up with a 1430 lunch at Ft. Churchill in the Silver Springs area.  Unbeknownst to me Ken had  packed a bottle of wine and a wine glass 💙 He was hoping we would find a nice place to have our lunch. The mosquitos were crazy, so we ended up eating in the truck. 

Once we left there, we knew the day was done so we turned left on a road that a lot of people camp on and ride all terrain vehicles.  Found a place, sat on the tailgate and watched for awhile. It was such a beautiful day! Eventually we headed home. 
More campers, dry camping

Never have we seen so many here either other than Best In The Desert Race

Headed towards our spot

This is the area we usually park near to watch the race

Tailgate time!

This little guy was leading the pack of three..he was probably
6 or 7 years old..could he drive!

His followers weren't much older!

More campers further out...made me jealous! 

The best part of the ride home was the phone call we got from our favorite Sailor, grandson Jacob!  I had a wonderful 1/2 hour conversation with him. He's doing well in school and looking forward to when people can visit! (I think he really means Allissa haha). 

About 1800 got a picture of a fire on my phone, which is an invite next door. John had come home for the long weekend.  We visited for way too long but it was nice. Karen was planning a bar b q for him on Sunday as next weekend is his bday but he won't be home. 

Sunday morning arrived way too early LOL.  Ken was making shelves out of some of our shiplap we have left over.  I brushed linseed oil onto them and they came out looking good. Just wanted the grain brought out and it did that.  Later I made some appetizers to take next door. Ken was busy with making brackets for the shelves. 
The last side to be done! Darn it was hot and sunny!!

I was able to get this side done while it was in the shade

Porch, and 2 sides All done!!
See the big bush out back that's where the evil lizards hide to
terrorize me! 

The sun is setting!

My two shelves Ken made for me

Got a couple of things on the shelves and hanging from them
The 5309 sign was our address when we lived in North Highlands, CA
One of the boys made this in high school, they're going to have to tell me
who made it. I think Bryan, but not sure.

I wish I would have gotten the "b4" picture
It looks so much better now..

It's all done for another 5 years hopefully

Another great evening and night over at John and Karen's.  Her whole family was there and we enjoy spending time with them. Lot's of good food and conversation! 

Monday morning, Memorial Day.  Nothing traditional about that this year.  We usually meet Russell, Lori and Aaron in Reno and watch Aaaron play tournament basketball..well didn't happen this year :( 

 I got going on the staining of the bunk house.  Ken got the rest of the brackets made and shelves hung. By the end of the day boy was I a glistening mess! I got both sides done and that's what I wanted!  Hot day somewhere around 86.  Ken had a nice, ice cold Corona Light for me..boy did that taste good! Shower time and then one more when I got out. We sat out on the front porch for quite awhile just enjoying. Ken barbecued some delicious turkey burgers and I made zucchini fries. Yummy dinner! 

This morning I set the alarm and got the coffee going.  We both were going out to the rear of the bunkhouse to get that finished up.  I needed Ken out there with me as there are way too many lizards for my comfort. With two of us working it definitely went quickly. Out there around 0700 and done by 1000.  Ken also used linseed oil on the wood surrounding the outhouse door. Sure looks awesome. Hopefully it'll be another 5 years before we have to do this again! 

Now to find another project to keep Ken busy! LOL..Since we finished at 1000 I had asked Ken what he wanted for breakfast/lunch as we didn't eat before going out. He said "Dinis".  Ok.  They've been closed for the last few months and just reopened last week. We headed to town about 1130. What a great lunch, the first I haven't made in a few months. It was pretty full when we got there, but not many when we left. Stopped by Karen's to say good bye to John and now we're home.  

93 degrees right now and muggy feeling.  We're inside with the air conditioning on.  Have a great evening. 

Friday, May 22, 2020

Getting things done..Adam visits! :)

Well, since I've let days pass without posting I'll just wing it I guess :) 

Monday, Ken did get some rock down, quite a bit actually.  It took a few days but  the trailer's empty of 5,900 lbs of rock :) 
Before adding the rock..

It was hard work, but he got it done! Again, not bad for a 68 year old guy!
Today...5900 lbs of rock later 😍

I worked on the staining of the bunk house.  Yes, more red than we planned but we like it.  I did some regular stuff too like a little baking and cleaning..lol. 
We had some cool skies, but no weather out of it..

Tuesday morning we had an appointment at Sun King window tinting in Carson City. The appointment time was 0800. We left about 0630 and enjoyed  our breakfast one the road. Breakfast burritos for Ken and a 1/2 low carb burrito for me.  
They only dealt with curbside dealings so once we dropped off the truck we headed for CalRanch just down the road. What a cute place! We found Heidi's birthday present there and lord knows I could have spent a lot of $$..but didn't. 

They called when the truck was ready.  Front two windows tinted $100.00 later but they are guaranteed for life. We headed to Lowe's, Ken went inside and I waited outside as he was only getting 4 sacks of concrete.  I got warm and rolled down my window! OOPPSS..they said don't roll down the window for 3 days!! Nice short term memory right?! ...Luckily it was ok!! UHH...

Jacob texted he got his package and was happy at all the tuna and chicken packages I had sent..too cute! 

Then a quick trip to Walmart in Carson.  Once that was finished we headed home. Karen was having a birthday party for her sister Heidi as she was turning 50. I wanted to try a new appetizer with meat, beans etc using Scoops from North on the Border chips. Very yummy! About 1500 we headed next door for a few hours. 
The last bit of concrete footings. Now the rock won't go

Wednesday we were home for the day! I stained the rest of my part of the decking on the bunkhouse.  Ken worked on finishing the patio area. He formed up the boards for the new concrete we picked up.  Later on we met on the side of the house and he started a nice fire! 

Yesterday morning (21st) we got up early, visited with our blogging friends and got the morning going.  Ken stained the upper part of the bunkhouse.  He wasn't happy with the turnout, but in the end I think it looks very nice! We're out of stain, but we're headed out to Gardnerville tomorrow for prescriptions so we might as well head for Carson and get the stain.  
Ken staining the top of the loft area..

The front's all done!

Adam called yesterday am and wanted to come over for the night. OF course!! He arrived around 1630 just when Karen was ready to head home after coming to see what things we had done in the last few days. 
Ship lap we had left in the garage attic..These will be shelves on the new part
of the porch 
I had a sandwich ready for him as he's usually hungry when he gets here :) 
Not too long after he got here, Joe, Stacey and Joe's brother Phillip walked over with a six pack of IPA beer for Ken.  Ken had helped Joe put up a screen door earlier in the day. Very nice of them but not necessary :)  They visited awhile and then headed back home. 
We visited some more with Adam and then eventually had tacos for dinner.  Some more visiting and then he and Ken both headed off to bed. I stayed up for a bit and then did the same. 

I was awake about 0500 this morning and woke Ken for coffee around 0530.  I actually had made him a new recipe of banana apple bread. He loved it! Somewhere around 0800 I started breakfast for Adam. He wanted waffles and eggs so that's what he got. :) Ken and I ate after I fed him. 

Adam left here just about 1200 to head home. A short visit, but better than no visit! He works tomorrow early at the State Park and after seeing the crowds there today, he'll have his work cut out tomorrow being this is Memorial Weekend. 
Bye Adam..thanks for visiting!

Ken finished unloading and sweeping the trailer. I used the sander on the boards above to get them ready for linseed oil. 

I ordered 2 retro patio chairs and a small table so they should be here in a few weeks. :) Tomorrow we'll check Lowe's for a moveable fire pit for the new patio area. 

Have a great night. Almost Happy Hour here!