About Me

The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

No answers..or are there?!

Well, sometimes there are no answers...or.. our prayers have been answered! 

Yesterday morning we woke and I made breakfast near 0600.  Ken's appointment for the PET Scan was for 1310 and he couldn't eat 6 hours before hand.  After that we got ourselves ready and headed out.  It was early, but otherwise you're just at home waiting to leave.  

We stopped at Walmart to pick up some waters and a few things.  We took our time and then took a little drive and then eventually headed over to the hospital.  He actually got called back early :)  Before I knew it, I had finished my book and here he came.  

We had time before the appointment with Dr. Foster so we went ahead to the hotel and checked in.  Got our stuff unloaded and then headed over after a cheese stick, as we both were starving! 

After waiting a few minutes, Dr. Foster came in and his first words were "Your PET Scan came back clear" with a smile on his face and ours!  He had conferred with the radiologist and those were the findings.  Ok, what's next.  

Keep the consultation appointment with the surgeon tomorrow.  Dr. Foster explained that Dr. Halow will go in with a camera, look around (and not find anything) and be able to drain the fluid then "seal" the pleural lining.  He will go in, rough up the lining and then seal it with a talcum.  That should take care of the problem. 

Ken equated it to putting an undercoating on a car.  Dr. Foster laughed. :)

So what's the problem?  We still don't know and may never know what's caused this.  Dr. Foster is perplexed, but happy for us! What we do know, it appears it can be fixed and that with every scan, test etc. that he's had they are able to rule out the serious stuff, Cancer, lymphoma, COPD, heart disease, you name it, it's been ruled out. 

After we left Dr. Foster's we decided to head over to Cactus Jack's for a celebration drink.  Gotta admit I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact that we don't know what caused this.  Ken got me to look at it differently.  With every test coming back clear, that's a good thing! If we never know what it was, that's ok as we have a good outcome! Hopefully after the surgery he'll be totally healthy again.  So instead of the cup being half empty (not knowing) the cup is definitely half (or more) full as he will be healthy again! 

 Bottom line, we are thinking that what could have been a serious health condition, has been eliminated.  We are so grateful for all the prayers! Yes, between all the doctors, tests and all the many prayers we have received, we are so THANKFUL! 

We have to believe in the power of prayer and we know there was a lot of that happening :) 

We love you all! :) 


  1. That sounds wonderful and hopefully the undercoating will do the trick for ken, and all will be good again. No news is good news right?

    1. You are correct George! Just waiting for surgery date now.

  2. What wonderful news! We are absolutely thrilled for both of you! Hugs.

    1. Thank you Patsy and Bill! We are very happy, now to get the surgery out of the way..Hugs right back at ya!!

  3. Thank God that's good news Ken and Shirley

  4. This is so good to hear! Clear sailing ahead! Doug and Michelle
