About Me

The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Monday, March 24, 2025

Have a wonderful night~ A few special days..


Russell and friends watched an air show with the Blue Angels.
I love this picture of my Proud to be an American (Marine) son 💙

Quick catch up from the last couple of weeks. 

Saturday, March 15th we headed to Virginia City with John and Karen. First they treated us to a delicious breakfast at the Roadrunner Cafe in Dayton. 

It was the Rocky Mountain Oyster Festival. We thought it'd be fun as we've enjoyed every event we've been to up there. They also hosted a St. Patricks Pub Crawl and they had a St. Patty's day parade. We met up with Bob and Carmen too. 

This was the back of a longgggg line of people picking up

This even was the most crowds we've seen. Even more than the Outhouse Races. You couldn't get in anywhere to have a drink or anything. Ken bought a ticket for 6 Oysters. We stood in line for a long while to get those oysters. Not my idea of eating or fun! But we did it and Ken got to try them, and John too. No thanks. 

The streets were so crowded, took the fun out of walking around so we came home and continued Happy Hour next door. We all agreed not to go back to that event! 

Later in the week we took the Tundra in for its 75,000 mile service. Time to get it ready for the trip to Arkansas in a few weeks. 2 weeks today to be exact. Took two cars so we could run around while the service happened. Headed to Total Wine for a pick up and then to Miguels for a great lunch. 

My Nachos, haven't had in years..but oh so good!

Ken's 2 enchiladas..they sure fill the plate! 

This last weekend VORRA was in town and the Yerington 250 was happening on Saturday. Got our spot in the desert so we could have a great seat. Met up with Joel, Randi and Joe and then later even more people showed up! A good time with good friends. 

We're out at RJ East..Randi and Joel's place about 
3 miles from us 😍


Ken, Joe and Joel 💙

Randi and Ken

Keith and more people who showed up!

Yesterday we had  a shorter Champagne Sunday as we were leaving to spend the night in Carson City. I had my month check up with the Opthamologist in Reno this morning at 0730. We stayed at our Days Inn in Carson City. 

Eye appointment went great! 20/20! I only have to wear light readers to see good on my phone. Typing now, no glasses. It's so amazing! 

Went to breakfast at Betsy's and then home by 1100. It's a beautiful day here. Had the doors open, it was warmer outside than in the house. 

Our youngest grandson, Aaron turned 20 on the 20th. How did that happen!? 

Aaron and Kenna💗

Adam and Erin took a little trip to the Redwoods to celebrate 5 years of being together. 

Adam and Erin at Trees of Mystery..my dad took us there when we were kids,
We took our kids and grandkids  💙

Erin found a special friend!

In the middle of getting this finished, Karen's granddaughter Sophia came over to visit. She's almost 10 and just adorable. Then it was time for Happy Hour so next door we went. Came home and had a quick dinner. Time for bed now. Have a wonderful evening! 😍 


  1. WHAT? You don't like Rocky Mountain oysters?? Yeah, me either, and if anyone should, it should be cowgirl me! We had lots on the ranch, all of which were tossed in the fire.

  2. I noticed more people smiling in the pictures, now the temperatures are on the rise.
    Glad you are enjoying your new Eyes.
    Stay Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  3. Um I hope I'm doing this right those are amazing pictures of your family

  4. Congratulations on good vision!

  5. Great pictures of the fun had. Those nachos and enchiladas are making me hungry for Mexican food!
