About Me

The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Cataract and Glaucoma surgery. Champagne Sunday next door ..memories 1996

Tuesday, February 4th we had to be in Reno for a 14:15 appointment for me.  No food or drink from midnight on. Not hard to do the food, but water was tough! Ken joined me in not partaking of food or coffee though. He did have a couple of waters. He could have had food to, as I offered to make him some but he didn't. πŸ’™

We got there plenty early and after being checked in they took me back to a huge area that probably had 10 separate bedding spaces. Nurses took care of everything and after about a million eye drops, one came and said I was next for surgery. Wheeled me into a little operating room and there was Dr. Gammett and the anesthesiologist. I'm in lala land and it's done before you know it. Cataract surgery on my right eye and a stent put in for glaucoma, as my pressures are high. 

All my life I've seen an optometrist 2x. Once while I was still working, over 15 years ago and once in October of 24. Because of October he said my pressures were high, is the only reason I wanted to see an Ophthalmologist. Sure am thankful that I did. 

Medicare pays for 2 kinds of lenses for cataracts. A third one was offered to me and recommended so I paid the $2500 for both eyes. After all, I can't imagine not being able to see. Worth it for me. πŸ’—

Back to recovery and out the door to Ken. We checked into the motel in Carson for the night and Ken put the eye drops in my eye, as we had to get three more times before bed. 2 different drops 4x a day for 28 days. OH Thank God for this man, as I can't stand putting drops in, they usually would go all over my face and not into my eyes. LOL. Truth! 

We headed to Betsy's for dinner. FOOD! Too crowded though for us at 1700 and service was not what it usually is. Next time we'll bring food to the room instead. 

This morning my appointment was at 1100. I had brought hard boiled eggs and bread for toast for the morning. Then a stop at Total Wine to pick up an online order. 

Got to Dr. Gammett's office at about 1040 and was taken right in. A quick visit, but enough to know I am seeing a lot better already! πŸ˜€ He said it all looks good and another visit next Thursday at 0800. We'll be spending Wednesday night in Carson one more time. The 18th the left eye will be done. πŸ˜€

Once done with that we headed for Miguel's Mexican Food. We've been here a few times, but probably not in a couple of years. Very nice restaurant and the food is excellent! 

Ken's Dos Equis beer
 and my Chardonnay..Yummy and great
salsa and chips! 

This was their small chimichanga..brought half home w me.

Once we were done, headed home. Ken's next door helping John winterize his new trailer, as we're expecting very cold overnight lows starting tonight. 

Miguel's in Reno

Headed up the mountain towards Virginia City!

Looking back towards Reno

Coming into Virginia City..but we turn off before.

Good time to get in a quick blog. 

Last Sunday Karen had gone to Minden with a friend for the night so we decided to start Champagne Sunday with John at their place. He wanted cauliflower pizza so we took our stuff over and we enjoyed visiting and then eating over there. 

John's 10x15 flag and the wind

Champagne Sunday tail gate style! 

My Doc's Pizza..chicken. Oh so yummy! 

John's fire in his lean too! Awesome!

After a few hours we headed home and Ken made a fire in the outdoor kitchen. A great day in my opinion! πŸ₯‚πŸΊπŸ•

Boot Camp 1996! From Russell these cartoons I used to love!

Ken brought these from garage where he was saving them

There's more, but we found these ...Russell sent from Boot
Camp πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’– still get me every timeπŸ’™πŸ’™

That's it for this blog as soon it'll be Happy Hour here! Have a great evening! 



  1. So lucky you had Ken there. They told me I had to have a driver, but I had no one. I hid out in the lounge for an hour, then drove myself home. I got my experimental eyes about 18 years ago. I'm guessing maybe you got the same. Those eye drops are a pain, but don't miss even one. You'll be seeing like a champ VERY soon!!

    1. Thanks Nancy, yes I am a blessed gal! I can already see so much better out of the right eye :)

  2. Glad to hear the surgery went well.
    I would not be able to put the necessary drops in my own eyes either! 😊

  3. Good that one eye is done and also that Ken is there to put the drops in. I doubt I could do it.

  4. I had to do the eyedrop
    thing for Jerry. Not fun but it has to be done. I think I'll order an eye drop thingy from Amazon and try to do the eyedrop regime by myself. The mountains look beautiful.

    1. Yep! I hate to think if he wasn't here to do it for me. We love the mountains for sure!

  5. Kathy and I did the drops for each other in 2018 and felt good that we were helping each other. The year before I kept pointing out scenery to her and she just brushed it off. That year she was pointing out the same scenery to me.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your improved vision.

    It's about time.

  6. Eye drops are the worst! I cannot do them myself either. Glad everything went well!

    1. Ken's been doing his every night for years. I just can't! Thank you!!
