About Me

The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Friday, February 21, 2025

2nd cataract surgery is a success! This and that!

 Hard to believe it's the 21st already and another Friday zooming by! This one started with Ken driving John and his new fifth wheel to Reno in order to get some warranty work done. John still can't drive until mid March so we help out when we can. John said that's the worst thing about his heart attack and strokes is not being able to drive! He's doing well and we are sure the neurologist will release his license so he can get around by himself. 

A beautiful sunset from John and Karen's backyard πŸ’™

This last Tuesday the 18th I had my second cataract surgery. Another stent too for the glaucoma pressure. A success again! We didn't stay overnight as my next day appointment was for 1030. Had a great dinner at Betsy's and headed home. 

Wednesday morning we headed out in John's truck as John wanted to pick up some stuff from Lowe's after my appointment. 

Dr. Gammett was so pleased with this surgery. My right eye is 20/20 and my left eye was 20/25 the day after surgery. Pressures were 16 and 18. I go back in a month. :) 

The first day or so my eye was blurry but by yesterday I'm able to see everything without readers. My 2 pair of glasses I got in October are no longer useable! I'm able to read near and far. No pain either. The first day the drops stung for about 5 seconds and not bad at all. I'm so impressed!! 

Today I met John and Ken at Round Table in town when they were done with their running around in Reno. RT has a $5.00 one trip salad bar that's very good, so that's what we had. You get it to go and the bowl is huge. We eat it there though and bring container home. Perfect for leftovers or to send home food with someone. 

So, last week was Valentine's Day so we went next door. I made cabbage lasagna and a salad to take and Karen supplied the delicious garlic bread. WE don't eat "real" bread very often so the french bread couldn't be ignored! LOL. 

We all thought my  cabbage lasagna was delicious! 

Sunday was Champagne Sunday of course and it was also the Daytona 500. I know I've said before we really don't watch much Nascar but we like the pre race  show. Our National Anthem was sung by Technical SGT Michael J Aiello and it was absolutely beautiful! That song gets me every time and when it's done the way it's supposed to be, gets me even more. I hate when it's all about the singer and not what the song stands for!  πŸ‘πŸ‘

Notice the snow covered mountains in the background,
so pretty. Love my winter champagne glasses! 

President Trump and family members made an appearance and drove two laps in "THE BEAST" love the name! Love him or hate him I love the fact that he came out! 

We made cauliflower pizza for our brunch and had a great day out there! Fire going of course. I love this time of year when we can enjoy a nice fire out there. 

We were bad with pepperoni but oh so good! My half
without the olives. 

                          My sister Linda and hubby Bobby on Valentine's DayπŸ’–

Grand nephew Owen #10 and his friend
Bradley got to go get some Sacramento Kings
autographs! Two happy boys! 

Time to get this posted and see what else I can do this afternoon before Happy Hour! 🍺🍷
Have a great evening! 

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Winds, Battle of the Bands, Cargo trailer Champagne Sunday

 We've been enjoying cold (40's) temperatures and major winds. LOL. No we're not enjoying it at all. 

Wind and 38 with a feels like 29..Yep cold today

Because we use the wood stove in the house for heat other than the early mornings, Ken's been keeping busy using the log splitter cutting wood. 

Last Saturday Yerington held its annual Battle of the Bands at the Yerington Theater House. 8 bands competed for $1000.00. It was the 7th or 8th year, but honestly this is the first one I remember hearing about. 

We thought it might be kind of fun to go to with John and Karen. Ken got the cargo trailer ready for us to sleep in behind Karen's store and they were going to sleep in the store on cots. We didn't want to unwinterize the Mansion yet.  Figured better safe than sorry as we knew adult beverages would be consumed. 

The low was going to be 14 degrees, but figured with Mr. Heater we'd be warm and toasty. 

The bands started at 1700 so we parked at the store and walked to the theater. In almost 12 years that we've been here we've never been into the theater part. A couple of events we've attended have been in the summer and outside. 

We found some seats and then went to the bar for drinks. The bar was rocking! The drinks were flowing and they didn't skimp on the alcohol for sure! 

The first band to play was our favorite "The Band Next Door". These are the guys that play at John and Karen's parties. Great mix of country and some rock. 

The second band was Moral Demise, they might have been good but the music was way too loud, couldn't understand what they were saying. 

Third was a nice duet but very loud again. 

The next group did it for us, really loud and couldn't understand a word they were saying so to the bar we went. You could still hear the bands from there. No more Battle of the Bands for us. 

Lacy J Dalton comes a couple of times a year to play there, so I'd like to see her next time! Nice theater, it's old, so chairs are comfy, but not much room to walk in front of anyone to get to the aisle. Definitely get there early next time and get aisle seats. 

After a bit we left and headed back to the store. Went across the street to Dini's Casino and John ordered a pizza to take back to the store. 

Eventually I went out to the trailer to go to sleep. About 2300 I called Ken saying it's really cold out here! The heater had gone out and I couldn't get it going. Long story short, we ended up driving home about 0230 as the heater wouldn't light in the 15 degree temps. Thinking heater and propane line froze! Oh my that cargo trailer! It will be used in moderate temps when we can leave the generator running and power an electric heater. Such as Sand Mountain, where everyone's up 24/7. LOL. 

Sunday morning Karen made biscuits, gravy and eggs for us. YUM. The gravy was made with turkey sausage, 2% milk and you couldn't tell the difference from the really bad for you stuff! πŸ˜€

After breakfast and conversation we came home to the outdoor kitchen where we had a fire and Champagne Sunday all the rest of the day. We did absolutely nothing! Harder for Ken than me but he did it! πŸ˜‚

Too much o.j. in mine..I poured it though..lol

Have to have a roaring fire when it's 29 degrees out there. 

OH this one's better! 

Later in the afternoon he barbecued delicious burgers. We eventually went inside, ate and then called it an early night. 

We'll be heading out tomorrow afternoon to Carson City to spend the night because I have an early eye appointment on Thursday. Everything seems wonderful with my right eye, looking forward to next Tuesday to get the left done. 

Baby Phoenix turned 2 today..Haven't seen any pictures yet

I'll get this finished and posted. Have a great evening! 

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Cataract and Glaucoma surgery. Champagne Sunday next door ..memories 1996

Tuesday, February 4th we had to be in Reno for a 14:15 appointment for me.  No food or drink from midnight on. Not hard to do the food, but water was tough! Ken joined me in not partaking of food or coffee though. He did have a couple of waters. He could have had food to, as I offered to make him some but he didn't. πŸ’™

We got there plenty early and after being checked in they took me back to a huge area that probably had 10 separate bedding spaces. Nurses took care of everything and after about a million eye drops, one came and said I was next for surgery. Wheeled me into a little operating room and there was Dr. Gammett and the anesthesiologist. I'm in lala land and it's done before you know it. Cataract surgery on my right eye and a stent put in for glaucoma, as my pressures are high. 

All my life I've seen an optometrist 2x. Once while I was still working, over 15 years ago and once in October of 24. Because of October he said my pressures were high, is the only reason I wanted to see an Ophthalmologist. Sure am thankful that I did. 

Medicare pays for 2 kinds of lenses for cataracts. A third one was offered to me and recommended so I paid the $2500 for both eyes. After all, I can't imagine not being able to see. Worth it for me. πŸ’—

Back to recovery and out the door to Ken. We checked into the motel in Carson for the night and Ken put the eye drops in my eye, as we had to get three more times before bed. 2 different drops 4x a day for 28 days. OH Thank God for this man, as I can't stand putting drops in, they usually would go all over my face and not into my eyes. LOL. Truth! 

We headed to Betsy's for dinner. FOOD! Too crowded though for us at 1700 and service was not what it usually is. Next time we'll bring food to the room instead. 

This morning my appointment was at 1100. I had brought hard boiled eggs and bread for toast for the morning. Then a stop at Total Wine to pick up an online order. 

Got to Dr. Gammett's office at about 1040 and was taken right in. A quick visit, but enough to know I am seeing a lot better already! πŸ˜€ He said it all looks good and another visit next Thursday at 0800. We'll be spending Wednesday night in Carson one more time. The 18th the left eye will be done. πŸ˜€

Once done with that we headed for Miguel's Mexican Food. We've been here a few times, but probably not in a couple of years. Very nice restaurant and the food is excellent! 

Ken's Dos Equis beer
 and my Chardonnay..Yummy and great
salsa and chips! 

This was their small chimichanga..brought half home w me.

Once we were done, headed home. Ken's next door helping John winterize his new trailer, as we're expecting very cold overnight lows starting tonight. 

Miguel's in Reno

Headed up the mountain towards Virginia City!

Looking back towards Reno

Coming into Virginia City..but we turn off before.

Good time to get in a quick blog. 

Last Sunday Karen had gone to Minden with a friend for the night so we decided to start Champagne Sunday with John at their place. He wanted cauliflower pizza so we took our stuff over and we enjoyed visiting and then eating over there. 

John's 10x15 flag and the wind

Champagne Sunday tail gate style! 

My Doc's Pizza..chicken. Oh so yummy! 

John's fire in his lean too! Awesome!

After a few hours we headed home and Ken made a fire in the outdoor kitchen. A great day in my opinion! πŸ₯‚πŸΊπŸ•

Boot Camp 1996! From Russell these cartoons I used to love!

Ken brought these from garage where he was saving them

There's more, but we found these ...Russell sent from Boot
Camp πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’– still get me every timeπŸ’™πŸ’™

That's it for this blog as soon it'll be Happy Hour here! Have a great evening!