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The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Beautiful drive up the coast into Oregon, Horseback riding, Visiting with friends, Sunday in Gold Beach Oregon (Thank you Eric and Chris)

oc Thursday, September 19th we got ourselves up and had a small breakfast in our room. 

Then it was off to Ricochet Ridge Ranch just a few miles from our motel. We got there about 1020 and met Russ, our cowboy for the ride. He's a recent transplant from Montana. He and his wife wanted the ocean and this job! 

Russ, our cowboy. He's taken though

He introduced us to our horses and gave a quick lesson on riding. So much info in so little time! I was a little hesitant at first, but quickly figured the horses knew what they were doing, then I relaxed. Ken was a natural from the start! 

We headed out, crossed highway 1 and then towards MacKerricher State Park. We rode through beautiful trees and scenery and then were greeted with  a beautiful ocean with lots of waves. We rode a little there and then headed back the way we came. It was so worth it and we both enjoyed. Russ is a great leader and kept us entertained with some stories. 

This ride was courtesy of John and Karen! They gave us some anniversary money about 4 years ago, but we only spend it on special things and this was it! Later in the day they bought us dinner too! πŸ’—

Once we were done there, we stopped by our room, picked up some beer and wine and headed over to Pomo RV Park and Campground to hook up with a few friends that were camped there. Small world right?! 

Vicki and I, along with others  opened the Sheriff's Service Center in November of 1993. Been friends ever since. πŸ’– Actually, she's very special to me, so I was really happy to spend a few hours with her and meet some of her friends, along with her other half, Dick. It's probably been 8 years or so since we've seen her. Happy Birthday Vicki!!

Keri was there also along with Jerry. Keri and I used to work, Safe Night Sacramento together back in those years. Keri I haven't seen since before retiring in 2010 other than on FB. Glad we got some time with her and the other friends that were camping too! Unfortunately, too busy visiting I didn't get one picture! I think Keri got a couple so I'll have to see if I can get any. 

Stopped on the way back at a place called Angelina's for an early dinner that was delicious. It was so good we decided to have breakfast there on Friday before leaving in the morning. 

Breakfast was even better than dinner. 

We headed up the highway with Brookings, Oregon as our destination. It was about 1630 when we arrived at our motel. Just in time for Happy Hour. 🍺🍷 We ate in our room as we had leftovers LOL. 

The beautiful Redwood Highway, Avenue of the Giants

Yesterday (Saturday) we headed further north about 30 miles to Gold Beach, Oregon. Yes, a long day haha. The drive was incredible, as Oregon has many pullouts along the way and the ocean is absolutely beautiful. Definitely not as much traffic as California. 

Did a little sightseeing, but really not much to do here. We decided to drive another 30 miles to Port Orchard, Oregon. Another beautiful drive! 

There we got out and headed to the beach for a bit. Love the rocks there. Port Orchard is special as in 1991 we spent a night there, just before I started with the Sheriff's Department. When I got the job I was working for the school district as a teacher's aide and took a leave of absence. We decided on a mini vacation as we weren't sure when we'd get to go again. Port Orchard was the spot that always stands out to me. 

A beautiful dwelling on the beach LOL. 

Eventually we headed back to Gold Beach and to a Mexican Restaurant that had great reviews. It certainly should!  Tortuga Mexican Bar and Grill was incredible. It's at the beginning of Turtle Rock RV Park, where we stayed many years ago. 

Jorge took great care of us. 

Chimichunga was HUGE and delicious! Yes, there were

Ken's enchiladas were huge too! 

We headed for our room at Azalea Lodge in Gold Beach it was about 1545 when we arrived to no one in the office. Call a number. She was in Brookings and wouldn't be back for 30 minutes or so. Why when you make the reservation do they ask you what time you're expected. 1500 I put on the reservation. We pulled out our lawn chairs and waited in the sun. She comes in, no apology or anything. Gave us our key and off we went. First key didn't work, so she came and gave us another. 

The room is beautiful though, very recently remodeled and everything brand new. We are here tonight too. 

Sunday morning we're getting ourselves going. We have scheduled a Jet Boat Ride up the Rogue River. Something we've never done before but are looking forward to it! Lunch is included at a lodge up river also! 

Eric and Christina gave us money 2 years ago for our 50th. Wanted to spend it on something special so, THANK YOU Eric and Christina! 

Well, time to get going.  A light breakfast in our room and off to the boat! Enjoy your Sunday, I know we will! πŸ’™


  1. I love your adventures! Seeing you and Ken on my birthday was the BEST!!! Reminds me of how much I miss you! We will have to try Angelina’s! Safe travels!!! Love you guys! Did Ken like the cookies??

  2. What a fun trip and using anniversary money makes it even better. I love the Rogue River. Jerry's family had a few family reunions at campgrounds on the Rogue River. A lot of them took the jet boat tour. Silly us ....we didn't. I'm looking forward to more pictures.

  3. You guys are going all out on this Anniversary, you might as well enjoy.
    Stay Safe and Enjoy your Boat Ride.

    It's about time.

  4. I love the Oregon coast and all it’s beautiful beaches!
    We have done the jet boat ride up the Rogue maybe 5
    times over the years and love it every time.
    Hope you did too ! !
    Linda a.
