About Me

The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Friday, June 28, 2024

Adam and Erin's trip...Our trip..A great Linner today!

 Gosh hard to believe it's Friday and almost the end of the month! Since payday happened, it's the end in my book! LOL. 

Last Sunday Adam and Erin had a day off together. This doesn't happen often with their work schedules. Stay at home? NOPE. They went over to highway 88 and took a hike, quite a hike I would say. 

Adam and Erin at the top of Round Top Mountain 10,300 foot! 💙

Another beautiful lake they found at the top! 

One day we went over to Carson City and picked up part of the wood stove order for Bryan and Cheryl's wood stove in Arkansas. We want to have it all here, so Ken make sure it's going to work when we get back there in October. 

Wednesday we decided to take a day drive to Silver Lake on Highway 88 in California. It's only a couple of hours from here so why not? We have friends (KC and Sierra) who have a seasonal spot in a private campground. Thought we'd see what spots are available there if it works during the summer we could visit when they are there. A very busy couple so we'll see what works. 

Yeah, not crazy about this part of the road, especially since
the fire! 

Such a beautiful lake, Silver Lake. We used to camp here
all the time when our boys were little. In tents then. The 
sites are pretty small in the NFS campground. 

Brought our tuna sandwiches and barbecue chips with us. My mom used
to make the same meal when we were teens and took a day drive. 💙😁
Awesome memories!! 💙 We added beer and wine which she didn't 😂😂

It was a beautiful and 72 degrees compared to 90+ at home. 

Yesterday we headed for Carson City once again to pick up the rest of the chimney stuff for the wood stove. We're set now! Had linner at Betsy's and then headed home. We watched the debate between Trump and Biden and then a movie and bedtime. 

Today was Ken's idea to have Bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches with homemade fries for lunch. Oh, and let's have champagne while I cook. Who am I to argue!?? YUMMY! 

My new glass! Don't ya love it?!!

Ken wanted BLT and homemade fries..so yummy!

My great niece Cassidy..so can't wait to see her next month she turns 6!!
So looks like her momma! 

                      Our view from the stock tank today! Love this thing!

                        Have a great night we're headed next door for Happy Hour!


  1. I love Silver Lake. We used to horse camp there every year and ride over the mountains. Fabulous place, but those steep trails!!!! Love your glass AND your stock tank!!

  2. Beautiful Scenery in both those trips. Quite the temperature difference in Adam and Erin's hike.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  3. That Silver Lake area looks gorgeous! We'll have to put that on our list of places to visit.
