About Me

The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Catch up of the last week, Can Am ride, Bryan and Cheryl are officially Arkansas residents! :)

 Last Thursday we left home and headed for Carson City and a visit to Ken's lung doctor, Dr. Foster. It was a good visit and he'll go back in 3 months. After that we headed for Total wine for a pick up order. 

Friday was a visit to the cardiologist's office to get a heart monitor put on for the next 14 days. We see the cardiologist on the 20th of September. 

The weekend is a blur, other than Champagne Sunday.  Ken cooked yummy burgers on the griddle and I did steak fries. Yes, we were bad, but they were so good! Later in the day we took a much needed CanAm drive out to the BLM. 

Ken had to drain and clean the stock tank once we returned
from Arkansas as there was dirt all over. There was a wind
event or two while we were gone and pulled our cover inside.
Hopefully it'll warm enough to use it before Fall. 

Champagne Sunday 😋

Cute little bomb fire starters. Thanks Russell!

My burger on a low carb tortilla


Made a trip to Gardnerville to pick up prescriptions. Other than being around the house, nothing exciting to report LOL. 

Yesterday after breakfast Ken asked my plans. I told him and then he said he wanted to go for a drive. OK, out the door went my baking plans LOL. We didn't go far, but nice to just be out without a specific purpose in mind. 

On the way home, we stopped at El Ateno, our favorite Mexican Restaurant in town. Haven't been there in forever so it was nice to go there. Leftover fajitas for dinner tonight. 😋

It was a nice cool morning today. Woke up to 50 degrees two days in a row. The afternoons are still in the 90's but supposed to change this weekend. 

I did the baking I didn't do yesterday. Ken went to Karen's and unloaded the wood with the tractor that he picked up for them on Tuesday. Then he got the CanAm loaded on our trailer as we're supposed to be going on a ride with friends on Saturday 💙

Bryan and Cheryl are official Arkansasonians (if that's a word LOL). They were able to get their driver licenses, registered their vehicles and are awaiting new titles. Happy campers they are. 

Plates in hand as they left the DMV (not called that there, but
I forget what it is called). A lot less to register their 2 vehicles
than California! 

Bryan had a visitor just before bedtime. An armadillo, 
didn't seem fazed by the flashlight. 

You don't see many smiling faces on CA driver's licenses,
but this guy is happy!! 💙😁

Stole this one off FB. Russell and Lori enjoying! 💙💙

Well, here we are looking at September already tomorrow. Hoping in the next week or two to hear the cargo trailer is ready for pick up. Then we can get over to Lincoln to pick up the rest of Bryan and Cheryl's things. Because of appointments for Ken we won't be able to leave for Arkansas until the end of September. Again, this will be a mission. Hoping to make it there for their first Thanksgiving and that will be trip with the Mansion. Not trying to hurry September though. Holidays will be here quick enough. 

It's coming upon Happy Hour so I'll close this out 🍺🍸 Have a great evening! 💙


  1. Lots of toodling around and also toodling around home. Brian and Cheryl look very happy. We were never allowed to smile on our license photos so we all look like convicts! haha

  2. You've gotta love the slightly cooler weather! Don't say that "H" word ... holidays!!

  3. I could use a champagne Sunday right about now. Or any other day of the week for that matter!

  4. Arkansans...that what their governor calls them.
