About Me

The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Thursday, July 6, 2023

4th of July...problems with posting..

Last Saturday we had some company come to visit for a few days.  Ken's sister Diane and her son Jesse arrived.  We had some good visiting and on Sunday grandson Mason joined the party

Before we knew it 4th of July came upon us. We went over to John and Karen's about 1300 for their annual party which is always fun. Yes, it was hot and we were all sprayed up with OFF as the mosquitos are so bad this year. The news are saying it's due to so much run off from all the snow. I don't know, but they need to go away. 

We've been keeping ourselves busy trying to get ready for next week when Russell, Lori and friends will be coming out for a few days to celebrate his 45th birthday! We are looking forward to it! 

Tomorrow I'm leaving for the weekend and heading for the beach with my sister Linda and her family.  She rents a house at Dillon's Beach every year and opens the invite to me. This year it was close, as I wanted to be ready for Russell, but it's looking good. 58 degrees there tomorrow compare to close to 100 here..so looking forward to it! 

Well, for some reason my computer is rejecting pictures...so I'm done! I will see what I can fix this weekend! Have a good one! Hopefully I can get some posted soon...UHHH>>


  1. Have fun at the beach. Those temps sound heavenly!

  2. Woot! Fun times. Enjoy the beach and family time!

  3. I hate mosquitos. Been bitten twice so far, first time in 15 years. I had trouble with pictures for a day ... I just closed it all out and tried again later and it worked. Hope it works when you return. Enjoy the beach!

  4. I hope it warms up more than 58 at the beach!! Have fun!
