About Me

The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Work is continuing...headed to CA today..

Ken has continued working on the bathroom..I've got a few pics i'll post later, but really unless you're here you don't realize what goes into getting it ready so we can make it new.  

He got the floor fixed, the old vanity out and new plywood in...still ugly, but really looks better than it did! 

The ugly vanity, before it came out

This really ugly light...

Vanity gone!

Vanity gone and new plywood in place..

Cheryl had mentioned last week that she can't use the shower in her bathroom as more water is going out the spout than out the shower head.  We're going to head over there today and see if Ken can help her out.  Several years ago they tiled the bathroom so it appears the tile just needs to be cut back a bit so they can get to the washer behind..and replace it.  

Cheryl's 49th birthday is tomorrow, so I baked her a German Chocolate cake yesterday..since we're there the day before her day..Figured it was close enough.  We'll spend the night and leave and return home tomorrow morning. 

It's still up in the air as to when we'll leave and head to Parker, AZ but in the next few weeks..once it warms up there.  

This morning here in beautiful Yerington, NV..a balmy 17 degrees..better than the 5 degrees a few weeks ago.  

A little dusting of snow...doesn't last long, but it sure is pretty!

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