About Me

The mountains are calling and I must go...Got the t shirt in Georgia one year and this is our calling! We'll see y'all down the road!

Monday, March 10, 2025

2nd part of our quick trip. Adam visits for a long weekend. Ken's cardio appointment :) Happy Anniversary Eric and Christina

 Sunday March 2nd after our smaller Champagne Sunday we headed for Old Town Butte, MT. A beautiful area. Lots of old beautiful brick buildings. Kind of sad though. So many empty businesses. There are signs all over that say "Believe in Butte". I did a little research after getting back to the room. It appears that in 2020 (COVID) the little businesses in Old Town had hard a really hard time staying open. Alot closed. Town council got together and bought these signs to cheer up the businesses. Of course they had no idea how long they would be shut down. Even our motel has the sign on their lighted sign out front. 

Butte, MT 

We walked a several blocks, but nothing that interested us to go into. The new Taco Bell had the most people there I hate to say. 

Butte, MT was a mining town until they closed in 1982. 
Lots of cool stuff to look at in that town. 

This was so tall and it said "Mile High Mile Deep"

A pretty cool looking drag bucket

Once we were done with our walk we headed for the car and took a drive up the hill. Butte was a mining town until the mines closed in 1982. 

Then we headed for Sparky's Garage. It was a really cool bar and grill. We didn't eat as we were going to get pizza from Butte Brewing Company to take back to the room. The food looked amazing though! 

An old Chevy long bed right in the middle of the 

All kinds of Americana throughout! 

Lunch in the back of the pickup..Loved it! 

Gotta love the old oil cans as lights! 

Wyoming IPA for Ken 😁

I enjoyed 2 glasses of wine and Ken two draft beers and then we headed on. 

Butte Brewing was on our list once more. We ordered our pizza and had another drink. Once it was done, we headed back to the room. If you're ever in Butte, Sparky's and Butte Brewing are worth the stop! 

The tip jar! 😂😂

While we waited for our pizza 

Pizza was pretty darn good and reasonable! 

Monday morning we headed out headed for Lewiston, Idaho for the night. A beautiful drive for us. We stopped and had lunch in the Rest Area along the way. 

Tuesday we headed out for Pendleton, Oregon to have lunch. We found Mazatlan Mexican Restaurant. Oh so good. Fast service, good food and good prices. After we were stuffed we headed for Burns, Oregon to spend the night. 

Cute little guy on the wall 

Beer and wine were darn good pours

We were driving through John Day, Oregon. Just as we were leaving the low tire pressure light came on. Ken got out and checked the tires and it seemed the driver's side rear tire was low. We went back through the town and found they had a Les Schwab Tire Store. As soon as we drove up a really nice man headed out the door to greet us. Ken explained the problem and he got right on it. Within minutes he had changed the tire out, fixed it and put it back on. No charge. Ken tried to tip him $20.00 and he wouldn't take it. Told him to use it on gas for our travels as gas is expensive. Now that's customer service! 

Wednesday morning we headed out and had a great drive mostly in the desert. We saw all kinds of weather from clouds, snow and rain. It's a different desert than what we have in Yerington. 

We stopped in Lakeview, Oregon at another Mexican Restaurant for lunch. Really good food. I had nachos (haven't had in a hundred years) Ken actually had a burger and fries. He's eaten a lot of my leftover Mexican so he was ready for something different. 

This was the small nachos! 

After that filling lunch we headed out with a goal of Susanville, CA. We got there around 1600 and got checked in. A great room. Plenty of left overs for dinner. 

 Thursday we headed for home.  We stopped in  Gardnervile to pick up prescriptions for Ken and then linner at Sharkey's and then home. Talked with Adam and he's coming to visit for the weekend. 😁

Well, now it's Monday. How the time goes by. Adam got here Thursday evening and spent the weekend with us. He did a few hikes and then just relaxed. It was so nice! Anytime grandkids come to visit it's great in my opinion! Our kids too LOL. 

Adam and Lila next door at John and Karen's

Adam made himself a pizza one night. 

Champagne Sunday 

Ken cooked up a good mess of food yesterday! 

Felt like spring yesterday 

We left early this morning for Carson City and Ken's cardio appointment with the cardiologist (Dr. Jeffery Turner) that did his ablation a year ago. Best appointment yet! Ken's on a trial to see if he still needs the lasix and potassium for swelling of his legs and feet. He's stopping them for now. We'll see how that goes. He also halved his blood pressure med as his heartbeat is on the slow side. We'll see him in a year! 😁 We will see his PA Jennifer in June or so at the same office. 

Adam left sometime today to head for Amador County to take a look at an apartment with Erin. We've seen videos of it and it seems perfect for them. A lot closer to his new job and hers. 

Yesterday was Eric and Christina's 23rd wedding anniversary. They enjoyed a trip to Monterey to celebrate! 💖💖

Finally going to get this posted. Looks like we'll be having some more company this coming weekend. 😃 Have a great evening. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

A Quicky Vacation. Potato Museum, Dillon, MT. Butte, MT

Last week Ken and I were talking and decided we finally had a week with no appointments, commitments. So let's go! Where? Unknown at the time. We decided to take the Subaru and motel it since we only had a week. 

Decided to head to our old stomping grounds of Winnemucca and check out our old property and our friends new property! Our old property is really fenced in and private, which we wouldn't have done, but it's his. He was/is a chef and Reno and doesn't live there full time. 

Our friends, Johnny and Kelli bought a house not too far away at all from our property and it's gorgeous! Unfinished inside, but can't wait to see what they do with it! 

We also drove by some friends we had when we lived there. Sad to say the property is abandoned and looks like it has been for quite some time :(

After that we checked into the motel and walked across the street to the Winnemucca Inn and had a great dinner! 

Friday morning after a great breakfast at Model T we headed for Twin Falls Idaho. Breakfast was great, service not so much. Hasn't changed in years so we won't go back again. Nobody helps anyone out, such as serving coffee. 

Animal crossing from Wells, NV to Jackpot, NV
How they know to use them I'll never know :)

Love watching the scenery change 

A great drive to Twin Falls and checked into the motel. It was an old mom and pop place, which we love, but we won't stay again. WE had sandwiches in the room. I brought stuff from home, in case we didn't want to go out. 

Saturday we had breakfast burritos in the room before we left. I made them at home and they were yummy. 

This is cute. We got gas at American Falls, Idaho. Daily we buy ice for the ice chest. Ken wants to get rid of all the change he has, so gets out what he thinks he needs. He comes out with a grin on his face. I say you didn't have enough change? He says even better. He's counting his change,  The girl at the counter, scans her phone and says "let me fix that for you" and pays for the ice. She said "I felt like doing something nice today". Ken said she was really young, like 16. He tells me this and I said "OMG she thinks you're poor!" LOL  What a sweet little thing! 

We made a stop in Blackfoot, ID at the "World Famous Potato Museum". It was a nice stop and glad we did. 

It was nice to see families in the museum with their 
little ones checking it out! 

We've got a couple of Farmall's but not this nice!

That's a big potato! 

We stopped in Dillon, MT for dinner. Papa T's. Dillon is just the cutest town, I'd love to spend time walking the streets and shops. The town was packed and with the temp at 61 degrees we could see why. Luckily Papa T's wasn't, we enjoyed an awesome burger and fries, a lot of mine came home with us. 

Beautiful Montana! 

An awesome lunch and cute town. Dillon, MT

We headed for Butte, MT. our destination for the trip. Ken wanted to see where Adam (Man vs Food) had done his stromboli challenge and the Wop sandwich. Your wish is what I want to do too. It was an amazing drive, with snow all around and very little traffic! 

I had reserved the room for 2 nights and we got to Butte fairly early. We went to the Freeway Tavern, A small little place, had a beer and glass of wine. Funny to think that Adam was there to eat a WOP burger, which they still serve. $10.00 not for me. It's a smashed pork chop on a bun, with mayo and pickles. That was not his challenge. His challenge was at Trimbos which doesn't exist any more :( 

After that we headed for Butte Brewing which was great.

the view of Butte, MT from Butte, Brewing 

Sunday we had more breakfast burritos and took our time as it was Champagne Sunday. Had a little in the room and then headed out to see old town. 

A different view :)

We're in Burns Oregon tonight headed home. I'll finish the rest of Butte and the way home next blog. 

Last week Grandson Adam transferred to the Fire Department of the National Forest Service.  He'll be the Public Information Officer, Fire Prevention Officer and Firefighter when needed. He's got lots of training coming up and he's very excited. As his grandparents we are very proud. Congratulations, Adam! 

Have a good night!